Written by Laura Solon and Daisy Haggard, ‘Back to Life’ is a dark-comedy series that revolves around a middle-aged woman who aspires to turn her life around after spending 18-years in prison. Starring Daisy Haggard, Geraldine James, Richard Durden, and Adeel Akhtar, the series addresses serious societal issues while managing to be hilarious and entertaining. The story of hopelessness, redemption, and survival can get anyone hooked and if you plan on watching the show, then here’s all the streaming information that you are going to need.
What is Back to Life About?
Miri Matteson, a seemingly ordinary middle-aged woman, goes for a job interview where she gets quizzed by her potential employer about the 18-year old long gap in her resume. She claims that she has been traveling, but her false story soon falls apart, and Miri realizes that she has a tough life ahead of herself. When she was just a teenager, Matteson got arrested and later convicted for a serious crime that landed her in prison.
She spends years paying for her actions, and once she is free, Miri immediately moves in with her parents. It marks the beginning of her mission to lead a normal life, and she immediately begins to take action by rekindling old relationships. However, all her expectation hangs on the hope that people will forget the things that happened all those years ago. But will society manage to accept her? In order to find out, you will have to watch the show and here’s how you can do that.
Is Back to Life on Netflix?
Netflix subscribers will have to look for ‘Back to Life’ on other platforms since it is currently not accessible on the streaming giant. However, we recommend our readers alternatively stream ‘Dead to Me’ or ‘Bonding.’
Is Back to Life on Hulu?
Hulu’s basic subscription does not come with ‘Back to Life.’ However, if you have the Showtime add-on, then you can watch the dark-comedy series here.
Is Back to Life on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s regular offering includes ‘Back to Life.’ You can head here to watch the show if you have a subscription. However, people not subscribed to Prime can go to the aforementioned link to rent/purchase their favorite episode/season.
Is Back to Life on HBO Max?
Since ‘Back to Life’ is not available on the streamer, subscribers can instead watch other similar shows like ‘Search Party,’ ‘Big Little Lies,’ or ‘Barry.’
Where to Watch Back to Life Online?
You can watch the latest episodes on ‘Back to Life’ on Showtime and Showtime Anytime. Popular Video-on-demand platforms such as Google Play, Microsoft Store, iTunes, YouTube, and Vudu have the dark-comedy series in their catalogs. DirecTV, Xfinity, and Spectrum also have ‘Back to Life’ in their current offering. AppleTV subscribers can head here to stream the series. If you wish to watch the show live, then you can head to platforms like SlingTV, YouTubeTV, and FuboTV.
How to Stream Back to Life for Free?
Platforms such as AppleTV, FuboTV, DirecTV have a 7-day free trial, while Amazon Prime and Showtime come with a 30-day free trial for first-time subscribers. Also, YouTubeTV gives a 14-day free trial. So, you can choose one of these streaming services and watch the show free of cost using the free trial. However, we encourage our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume online.
Read More: Where is Back to Life Filmed?