‘Breeders’ is a dark comedy series that revolves around the life of two parents as they try to juggle their respective careers with the struggles of parenthood. Created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison, and Simon Blackwell, the comedy series features some hilarious performances from a talented ensemble of cast members that includes co-creator Freeman himself in the lead role alongside Daisy Haggard.
Others who star in the show are Alun Armstrong, Joanna Bacon, George Wakeman, and Jayda Eyles. Whether you are a fan of Martin Freeman or comedy dramas about families, you must be eager to know more about the show and how you can watch it. So, allow us to share all the details you might need!
What is Breeders About?
The hilarious yet honest narrative about the hazards of parenthood chronicles the journey of Paul and Ally. The couple is juggling several things at once — full-time careers, a mortgage, impediments in their relationship, aging parents, and last but not least, the inevitable responsibility that comes with parenting their children, Luke and Ava.
As if that is not enough, Ally’s estranged father knocks on their door, so she and Paul are forced to essentially take on a third child most of the time. In case you wish to see how Paul and Ally handle their lives, you will have to watch the show yourself. With that being said, here are all the ways you can do so!
Is Breeders on Netflix?
Unfortunately, the Martin Freeman-starrer is not included in the streaming giant’s extensive catalog. However, we recommend you check out other alternatives on the platform, such as ‘Workin’ Moms‘ and ‘The Letdown.’ Much like ‘Breeders,’ these shows give an honest yet comedic account of parenthood.
Is Breeders on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers have a reason to rejoice as ‘Breeders’ is available for streaming on the platform; you can catch the comedy series here!
Is Breeders on Amazon Prime Video?
Although ‘Breeders’ is not a part of Amazon Prime Video’s regular offering, you do have the option to buy or rent it. You can learn more about the purchasing options right here! In addition, you can tune into other similar shows on the platform, such as ‘Malcolm In The Middle.’ The comedy show is seen through the eyes of a kid, but just like ‘Breeders,’ the theme of parenthood is present.
Is Breeders on HBO Max?
HBO Max subscribers will need to look for the dark comedy show on other platforms as it is not available on the streamer. However, there are some other alternatives at your disposal, such as ‘The Parent ‘Hood‘ and ‘In the House.’ Although the two shows have a lighter tone in comparison to the Martin Freeman-starrer, they shine a light on parenthood and family dynamics.
Where to Watch Breeders Online?
In the USA, ‘Breeders’ airs on FX; therefore, you can watch the show on FX’s official website and the FXNOW app. It is also available on several other digital platforms, including DirecTV, Fubo TV, Sling TV, Xfinity, and YouTubeTV. In addition, you have the option to buy or rent the comedy series on Vudu, iTunes, Google Play, YouTube, and Microsoft Store. On the other hand, British viewers can catch the show on Sky’s official website.
How to Stream Breeders for Free?
Fortunately, there are quite a few ways to stream ‘Breeders’ for free. Both Hulu and Xfinity offer a month-long free trial to their new subscribers. Moreover, Fubo TV and YouTubeTV give free access to content to their first-time users for seven days, while DirecTV provides a 5-day free trial. So, you can take advantage of any of these offers and catch the comedy series free of cost. While having said that, we encourage our readers not to resort to any illegal measures to watch their favorite movies and shows and instead pay for the respective subscriptions.
Read More: Where Is Breeders Filmed?