Created by Seth MacFarlane, ‘Family Guy‘ is an adult animated series that revolves around Peter Griffin, a clumsy, under-achieving working man. His family comprises his wife, Lois, their children, Meg, Chris, Stewie, and their pet dog, Brian. The series first premiered in 1999. After facing some struggles regarding the viewership, it grew in popularity, becoming one of the most enduring names in pop culture.
The critically acclaimed series has nine Emmy Awards under its belt, and it is widely praised for its satirical take on American culture. Although the series airs on FOX, Adult Swim has been the home to reruns of the show’s more than 360 episodes since 2003. However, after gaining cult status and dedicated fan-following on the Cartoon Network block, ‘Family Guy’ looks set to depart Adult Swim. Here’s everything you need to know in that regard!
Is Family Guy Leaving Adult Swim?
‘Family Guy’ first premiered on January 31, 1999, on Fox. After the second season, the series was initially canceled, but the renewal was announced at the last minute. However, due to poor ratings of the third season, the series once again found itself on the chopping block. Cartoon Network purchased the rights to air reruns of the show on its late-night, adult-oriented programming block Adult Swim. The show premiered on Adult Swim on April 20, 2003, and quickly became one of the channel’s most viewed shows.
Around the same time, the series was also released in a DVD format which sold nearly 400,000 copies in just the first month. Thanks to its impressive DVD sales and continued presence on Adult Swim, ‘Family Guy’ developed legions of fans and garnered a cult following. Thus, FOX was prompted to revive the series, and as they say, the rest is history.
Adult Swim held the streaming rights to the show until September 18, 2021. However, following Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox and all its properties, FX Networks also began airing reruns of the show. Starting September 20, 2021, the first 19 seasons of the show migrated to FXX while FX and Freeform also aired some episodes. Adult Swim shared a heartwarming promo announcing the show’s departure, which you can check out below.
Where to Stream Family Guy?
As per the new schedule, episodes of ‘Family Guy’ will air on FXX on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, starting at 8 pm ET. Whereas, on Sundays, it will air from 10 pm ET. It will also air on Freeform, between 1 pm and 11 pm ET on Fridays. If you have added FXX to your cable subscription, you can watch the episodes on your television screens by following the schedule. You can also check out the latest and as well as previous episodes of the show on Fox’s official website and FOX Now app.
Moreover, previous episodes are streaming online on FX Now. The first nineteen seasons of the show are available to stream on Hulu. You can watch some episodes online with the help of live TV streaming services such as FuboTV, SlingTV, Xfinity, Hulu+Live TV, DirecTV, and YouTubeTV. Additionally, you can rent or purchase selective episodes on VOD platforms such as Google Play, iTunes, Microsoft Store, Amazon Prime, YouTube, and Vudu.
Read More: Best Family Guy Episodes of All Time