Developed by Murray Shostak, ‘Heartland‘ is a comedy-drama family TV series that follows sisters Amy and Louise Fleming, who live with their father Tim, grandfather Jack Bartlett, and hired farmhand Ty on their ranch in Alberta. Amy inherits the ability to heal injured horses from her deceased mother and further aims to keep her loved ones together. Over the years and different generations, they all face various pains and joys and come closer as a tight-knit family.
Since its debut in 2007, the show has garnered a massive fanbase for its heartwarming narrative and brilliant cast performances. In season 15, Amy turns over a new leaf as she looks forward to raising her daughter and bonding with the horses. This naturally makes the viewers curious about what adventures she has ahead of her. If you too are curious to catch up with your beloved characters in ‘Heartland’ season 15, here are all the ways you can stream it online!
What is Heartland Season 15 About?
‘Heartland’ season 15 picks up from where the fourteenth season left off and further explores the impact of Ty’s death on the Fleming-Bartlett family. While Amy gathers her strength to continue in life and explore more professional possibilities, Jack, Lou, Lisa, and Tim navigate their own new challenges as they work on their goals. However, their hopes of leaving the past face a sudden obstacle when the man responsible for Ty’s death returns to town. At the same time, Lou and Peter begin to rekindle their feelings for each other and this throws her into a dilemma about her position with Mitch.
Meanwhile, Lisa’s racing career gets abruptly halted after having an accident, and Tim and Jessica try readjusting to life at the ranch. Furthermore, Amy encounters various new horses and has to adapt newer methods to heal them. She also struggles to balance her work life with raising Lyndy, but thankfully gets some assistance from Parker and Katie. Now let’s find out how to watch season 15 online.
Is Heartland Season 15 on Netflix?
Unfortunately, ‘Heartland’ season 15 is not on the streaming service currently. Netflix has not yet made any official announcements as to when the fifteenth season shall land in their library. The show has a rather irregular arrival pattern on the streaming platform and mostly new seasons come around a year after they end airing on CBC in Canada. Hence, given the popularity of the show among streamers as well as the history of the previous seasons, ‘Heartland’ season 15 can be expected to arrive on Netflix sometime in Q4 2022. Till then, subscribers can catch up on seasons 1-14 of the show on Netflix.
Is Heartland Season 15 on Hulu?
‘Heartland’ season 15 is unavailable on Hulu at the moment. Although, you can enjoy the first thirteen seasons on the streaming platform here.
Is Heartland Season 15 on Amazon Prime?
A basic subscription does not enable users to watch ‘Heartland’ season 15 on Amazon Prime. To access the episodes, you need to update your package by adding the UP Faith & Family subscription. Moreover, all episodes of seasons 1-7 are available to buy or rent on Amazon Prime here.
Is Heartland Season 15 on HBO Max?
No, ‘Heartland’ season 15 is not a part of the vast collection of movies and TV shows on HBO Max. Still, you can enjoy similar titles such as ‘Young Sheldon‘ and ‘Six Feet Under‘ on the streaming giant.
Where to Watch Heartland Season 15 Online?
Currently, ‘Heartland’ season 15 is available to watch on UP Faith & Family. In addition, some episodes are present on live TV streaming services such as Sling TV and DirecTV. Season 15 can also be purchased on iTunes. Furthermore, previous seasons can be watched on Philo TV, Fubo TV, Xfinity, Peacock TV, and YouTube TV.
How to Stream Heartland Season 15 for Free?
First-time subscribers of UP Faith & Family can watch ‘Heartland’ season 15 free of cost with the 14-day free trial offer. Apart from this, SlingTV and DirecTV offer 3 and 5-day free trials respectively, but you need to watch all the episodes in that limited time. Nonetheless, we recommend that our readers always pay for the content they wish to consume.
Read More: Is Heartland Based on a True Story?