Inspired by Hiroki Adachi’s web manga series of the same name, ‘Horimiya’ is a slice-of-life romantic anime series. It revolves around Izumi Miyamura and Kyouko Hori, two high schoolers who are drastically different from one another. But after unexpected circumstances bring them together, the duo end up falling for each other and start a romantic relationship. The anime explores their romance and also focuses on their friendship with other students in their class. First released on January 10, 2021, the anime was a huge hit as fans really enjoyed the heartwarming and slow-paced storytelling.
What is Horimiya: The Missing Pieces About?
Kyouko Hori and Izumi Miyamura are two completely different individuals whose motivations and personalities are poles apart. While one is a bright, outgoing student liked by everyone, the other prefers to remain aloof and by himself. Despite the differences in their nature, the duo eventually gets to know each other and realizes that they get along really well. As Miyamura and Hori’s bond gets stronger, they finally get the courage to move out of their shells and show each other’s the sides of their personality that no have ever seen.
The heartwarming story of the duo continues in ‘Horimiya: The Missing Pieces,’ which explores previously unheard stories. The new episodes are likely to focus on a grand school festival that would bring the couple closer and explore their friendship with other characters. Apart from a sports festival, there will also be a school trip to Kyoto. Fans can expect to see Miyamura and Hori learn previously unheard things about each other as well, which can test their relationship. Although the premise of the anime remains shrouded in mystery as of now, what we do know for sure is the fact that it’s going to be a fun few episodes for fans to watch their favorite characters back on screen.
Is Horimiya: The Missing Pieces on Netflix?
Netflix subscribers will have to look for ‘Horimiya: The Missing Pieces’ on some other platform as it is currently not part of the streaming giant’s massive catalog. In case you are looking for another slice-of-life series, then you should probably stream ‘Teasing Master Takagi-san.’
Is Horimiya: The Missing Pieces on Hulu?
The Slice of Life is unavailable on Hulu and is highly unlikely to arrive there anytime soon. Subscribers who wish to watch something similar will probably enjoy ‘Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You‘ or ‘Ouran High School Host Club.’
Is Horimiya: The Missing Pieces on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s current catalog does not include ‘Horimiya: The Missing Pieces.’ However, in case you wish to watch the original anime, then you can purchase the entire season here.
Is Horimiya: The Missing Pieces on Crunchyroll?
‘Horimiya: The Missing Pieces’ has been licensed by Crunchyroll for streaming outside Asia. People who have a subscription can watch all the latest Japanese dubbed episodes with English subtitles here.
Where to Watch Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Online?
Apart from Crunchyroll, the slice-of-life anime is currently not accessible for streaming on any other platforms.
How to Stream Horimiya: The Missing Pieces for Free?
Crunchyroll comes with a 14-day free trial for first-time subscribers. People who are excited to watch ‘Horimiya: The Missing Pieces’ can stream all the episodes free of cost- provided they watch it during the trial period. However, we encourage our readers to refrain from using illegal means and watch their favorite content online only after paying for them.
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