Inspired by the eponymous Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Sisou, ‘My Tiny Senpai’ is a romantic comedy anime. The show follows a young man named Shinozaki Takuma, who works as an ordinary salaryman in Japan. Interestingly, his senior team member Shiori Katase, who is a kind, considerate, and diminutive woman, appears to have a special place in her heart for him. She not only looks after him but is, in fact, overprotective towards Shinozaki. The romantic and hilarious story of the eccentric duo is all set to premiere now.
What is My Tiny Senpai About?
Shinozaki Takuma is an ordinary office worker who lives quite an extraordinary life. Unlike most people who are on their own in the professional circle and have to look after themselves, Shinozaki is blessed. He actually gets pampered and taken care of by Shiori Katase, his senior team member. Shiori is really compassionate and appears to have a special place in her heart for Shinozaki. Interestingly, the feelings between the two are also mutual, but since there is also a power dynamic at play, Shiori and Shonazki are over-conscious of their actions. The hilarious and sometimes heartwarming story of the eccentric duo is a fun watch, and here’s how you can stream it.
Is My Tiny Senpai on Netflix?
Netflix’s extensive offering of popular shows and films does not include ‘My Tiny Senpai. But there are other really good anime on the streaming giant that subscribers can enjoy. If you wish to watch more rom-com, then we recommend checking out ‘Komi Can’t Communicate.’
Is My Tiny Senpai on Hulu?
The rom-com series is not accessible on Hulu as of now. Since the anime is highly unlikely to arrive on the streamer anytime soon, people who wish to watch something similar can alternatively stream ‘Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You‘ or ‘Ouran High School Host Club.’
Is My Tiny Senpai on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s current catalog of anime movies and shows does not include ‘My Tiny Senpai.’ If subscribers are looking for more shows of a similar genre, then they can instead watch ‘Boarding School Juliet‘ or ‘LOVE and LIES.’
However, you can rent or purchase the anime here.
Is My Tiny Senpai on Crunchyroll?
‘My Tiny Senpai’ has been licensed for streaming outside Asia by Crunchyroll. People who have a subscription can watch the latest episodes with original Japanese audio and English subtitles here.
Where to Watch My Tiny Senpai Online?
Unfortunately, rom-com anime is not accessible for streaming on any other platform at the moment.
How to Stream My Tiny Senpai for Free?
Crunchyroll comes with a 14-day free trial for first-time subscribers. People who are eager to watch the without paying anything can use the aforementioned offer. However, we encourage our readers to refrain from using illegal means and stream their favorite content online only after paying for them.
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