‘Nope’ is a science fiction thriller movie that follows the lives of the residents of a secluded ranch in California, who witness something beyond their wildest imaginations. These mysterious events affect both humans and animals. Written and directed by Jordan Peele, the mystery film is made even more enthralling by the brilliant onscreen performances of a talented cast ensemble comprising Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer, Steven Yeun, Brandon Perea, and Michael Wincott. If you tend to be intrigued by movies involving extra-terrestrial anomalies, you must be eager to learn more about ‘Nope’ and how you can watch it. In that case, you might be interested in what we have to share!
What is Nope About?
Set in a secluded ranch in inland California, the narrative revolves around two ranch-owning siblings, OJ and Emerald Haywood. One day, when their father dies out of the blue due to random objects falling from the sky, the siblings make it their mission to get to the bottom of the mystery surrounding his death. Hence, they team up with a tech salesman named Angel Torres and a documentarian named Antlers Holst, attempting to prove the existence of an unidentified flying object by capturing it on camera. Now that your interest has been piqued, here are all the ways you can watch the movie!
Is Nope on Netflix?
Unfortunately, ‘Nope’ is unavailable on Netflix’s massive catalog. However, the streaming giant houses similar movies you might enjoy watching, such as ‘Don’t Look Up‘ and ‘Rim of the World.’
Is Nope on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers will need to look for ‘Nope’ on other platforms as the thriller movie is not available on this streamer. Alternatively, you can tune into similar movies on Hulu. We recommend you watch ‘Independence Day.’
Is Nope on Amazon Prime?
Although Amazon Prime doesn’t house ‘Nope’ in its expansive collection of movies and TV shows, the streaming giant has plenty of alternatives available. You might enjoy ‘The Vast of Night‘ and ‘Alien Conquest.’
Is Nope on HBO Max?
HBO Max subscribers might be disappointed that ‘Nope’ is unavailable for streaming on the platform. However, you can still make the most of your subscription by turning to similar films, such as ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still.’
Where to Watch Nope Online?
Since ‘Nope’ has been released exclusively in theatres, there is currently no way for you to watch the science-fiction movie online. This means that the only way you can watch this thrilling movie is on the big screen. Thus, if you are running low on patience and cannot wait any longer to watch it, you can always check show timings and book tickets on the movie’s official website and Fandango.
How to Stream Nope For Free?
As mentioned above, the science fiction thriller film is unavailable on digital platforms; hence, there is currently no way for you to stream ‘Nope’ for free. All you can do is keep your fingers crossed and hope it arrives on any digital platform offering a free trial to their new users. Nevertheless, we request our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume and support the art of cinema.
Read More: Where Was Nope Filmed? Here Are All the Filming Locations