Inspired by the eponymous Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Reiji Miyajima, ‘Rent-A-Girlfriend’ is a romantic comedy anime. The show follows a 20-year-old college student named Kazuya Kinoshita, who unexpectedly gets dumped by his girlfriend, Mami Nanami. In order to deal with his heartbreak, he rents a girlfriend. That’s when he meets Chizuru Mizuhara, who manages to gain his affection. But it soon becomes obvious that Mizuhara treats all her customers in a similar fashion. This strange introduction marks the beginning of a heartwarming and hilarious story that soon gets complicated for a myriad of reasons. First released on July 11, 2020, the rom-com series is now all set to return with its third season.
What is Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 About?
In the season 2 finale, Mizuhara finally breaks down after struggling alone in her acting career for so long and her grandmother’s deteriorating health. Since she aspired to enter the entertainment industry because of her grandmother Sayuri and wants her to see her act in films, it is very important for Mizuhara that she accomplishes her goal before it’s too late. But just when all hope appears to slip away from her hands, Kazuya gives her a brilliant idea. He starts crowdfunding for an indie film so that they don’t have to rely on anyone else to make Mizuhara a movie star.
In the latest season, fans can expect Kazuya and Mizuhara to finally start working on the film. But their path won’t be easy as they will come across many unexpected hurdles. Fans will also be introduced to a new character named Mini Yaemori, who works as a Youtuber and cosplayer. She is also Mizuhara and Kazuya’s neighbor and is expected to play an important role in the latest installment.
Is Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 on Netflix?
The streaming giant’s current catalog of anime films and shows does not include ‘Rent-A-Girlfriend’ season 3. If you are looking for something similar, then you will probably enjoy watching ‘Teasing Master Takagi-san‘ or ‘Komi Can’t Communicate.’
Is Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers will have to look for the third season of the rom-com series somewhere else as it is not a part of the streaming platform’s giant catalog. We recommend our readers alternatively watch ‘Kimi Ni Todoke: From Me to You‘ or ‘Say “I Love You.”
Is Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 on Amazon Prime?
Amazon Prime’s current offering does not include ‘Rent-A-Girlfriend’ season 3. But people who are looking for shows of the same genre will definitely enjoy watching ‘Hitorijime My Hero‘ or ‘My Girlfriend is Shobitch.’
Is Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 on Crunchyroll?
Crunchyroll has licensed ‘Rent-A-Girlfriend’ season 3 for streaming outside Japan. People who have a subscription can watch the series in original Japanese audio with English subtitles here.
Where to Watch Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 Online?
Unfortunately, the latest installment of the romantic comedy series is not accessible on any other platform apart from Crunchyroll.
How to Stream Rent-A-Girlfriend Season 3 for Free?
Crunchyroll comes with a 14-day free trial for first-time subscribers. People who wish to watch the anime free of cost can do so, provided they watch all the episodes in the trial period. However, we encourage our readers to refrain from using illegal means and watch their favorite content online only after paying for them.
Read More: Rent A Girlfriend Season 2 Finale Recap and Ending, Explained