‘The Card Counter’ is a crime drama film directed by veteran director Paul Schrader (‘First Reformed‘). It tells the story of William Tell, a gambler who embarks on a quest to reform a young man hell-bent on revenge against a person connected to both their pasts.
The movie stars Oscar Isaac, Tiffany Haddish, Tye Sheridan, and Willem Dafoe in the lead roles. If you enjoy gritty crime movies with emotional conflicts and visual excellence, you should give ‘The Card Counter’ a shot, and here’s how you can stream it online.
What is The Card Counter About?
In ‘The Card Counter,’ William “Will” Tell is a former military interrogator turned gambling addict who spends his days at casinos battling past trauma from his time as a torturer. Will falls in love with La Linda, a poker tour rep, and meets Cirk, the son of one of his former colleagues. Cirk’s father died by suicide due to the guilt brought on by his torture activities. Cirk enlists Will’s help to execute his plan of revenge on Major John Gordo, who trained the soldiers to torture the detainees. Through his relationship with Cirk, Will hopes to redeem himself.
Is The Card Counter on Netflix?
‘The Card Counter’ isn’t currently streaming on Netflix. The service offers a stellar collection of entertainment titles, and users can check out ‘Peppermint‘ about a mild-mannered woman who becomes a vigilante to exact revenge on those who killed her family.
Is The Card Counter on Amazon Prime?
‘The Card Counter’ isn’t included in the titles accessible through Amazon Prime’s basic subscription or on-demand. While that may change in the future, for now, subscribers can entertain themselves by watching ‘Without Remorse,’ which revolves around an elite Navy SEAL whose quest for revenge leads him to uncover a deadly conspiracy.
Is The Card Counter on Hulu?
Hulu’s impressive catalog of entertainment titles doesn’t house ‘The Card Counter.’ As an alternative, you can check out ‘Destroyer‘ about a seasoned detective who must deal with the aftermath of a sting operation that goes awry on her watch.
Is The Card Counter on HBO Max?
‘The Card Counter’ is not a part of HBO Max’s entertainment library. You can instead check out ‘The Little Things,’ which follows two cops with their own baggage who must capture a notorious serial killer.
Where to Watch The Card Counter Online?
‘The Card Counter’ has received a theatrical release. If you wish to watch it at a theater, you can check show timings and book tickets here. The movie is likely to become available on the common VOD platforms sometime after its theatrical run.
How to Stream The Card Counter For Free?
At present, ‘The Card Counter’ is only playing in theatres near you. Therefore, you will have to wait for the movie’s digital release to potentially stream it for free. We also strongly advise our readers to consume all entertainment content legally and by paying for it.
Read More: Where Was The Card Counter Filmed?