‘Boss Level’ is a sci-fi action film directed by Joe Carnahan, from a story by Chris and Eddie Borey. Carnahan has also contributed to the screenplay, alongside the Boreys. It features a star-studded cast, including Frank Grillo as the protagonist, Roy Pulver, and evergreen action-star Mel Gibson as the principal antagonist, Colonel Clive Ventor. The rest of the cast comprises Naomi Watts, Michelle Yeoh, Will Sasso, Annabelle Wallis, Rob Gronkowski, and Ken Jeong.
The film focuses on Roy Pulver, a retired soldier who is stuck in a never-ending time loop and is forced to live the same sequence of events repeatedly. If you want to enjoy the punches and kicks of this jaw-dropping action flick and untangle the mystery behind the time loop, here’s where you can watch the ‘Boss Level.’
What is Boss Level About?
The title of the film is a reference to the classic videogame trope where the players have to go through a series of challenges to upgrade their powers and skills by fighting against the increasing difficulty of villains, eventually making their way to the “Boss” character in the final level of the game. The film captures this aesthetic of videogames and follows the story of Roy Pulver, a retired special operations soldier who is caught in a never-ending time loop. The loop begins with Roy waking up and always ends with his death on the same day. Inside the loop, he is pursued by assassins sent by Colonel Clive Ventor. As the loop repeats itself, Roy becomes progressively good at killing and eventually comes face to face with Ventor.
Is Boss Level On Netflix?
Unfortunately, ‘Boss Level’ isn’t currently a part of Netflix’s offerings. But should you wish to watch a similar film about a person stuck in a time loop, we recommend you watch ‘When We First Met’ (about a man who keeps reliving the day he met the woman he loves in a desperate attempt to win her over). You can also stream the critically acclaimed series ‘Russian Doll,’ which follows Nadia, trapped in a time loop reliving her 36th birthday-party repeatedly.
Is Boss Level On Amazon Prime?
‘Boss Level’ isn’t a part of the current Amazon Prime library. However, you can stream ‘The Map of Tiny Perfect Things’ on the streaming service – a sweet rom-com about two teenagers stuck in a time loop, struggling to find a way out of it.
Is Boss Level On Hulu?
‘Boss Level’ is available to stream on Hulu with a subscription. The popular streaming service saw the film’s potential and acquired the U.S. distribution rights of the film.
Where to Watch Boss Level Online?
As the film is an exclusive offering from Hulu, it is not available on any other usual VOD platforms.
How to Stream Boss Level For Free?
If you don’t have a subscription to Hulu, you are in luck, as you can stream the film free of cost by signing up for Hulu’s one-month free trial. The free trial is only available to first-time subscribers.
Read More: Movies Like Boss Level