‘Hataraku Saibou’ or ‘Cells at Work!’ is a Japanese anime series that revolves around the imaginary lives of anthropomorphized cells of a human body. The story focuses on a clumsy red blood cell, who meets a soft-spoken white blood cell and their journey together through the human body. The show is developed from the popular Japanese manga series of the same name that’s written and illustrated by Akane Shimizu.
The first season ran between July 2018 to September 2018, with a special episode airing in December 2018. The show was renewed for another season in March 2019 and went on to premiere on January 9, 2021. Curious to know more about the plot of ‘Hataraku Saibou’ or ‘Cells at Work’, and where you can stream it? Here’s all that you need to know.
What is Cells at Work About?
AE3803, a clumsy but diligent Red Blood Cell or Erythrocyte, who has just started her job delivering oxygen, carbon dioxide, and different nutrients all over the body. She encounters Neutrophil U-1146, a relentless White Blood Cell when he saves her from an attack of pneumococcus bacterium. Despite his violent job of killing pathogens, U-1146 is a gentle soul at heart. The series follows their adventures as they traverse through the human body. Despite the sheer absurdity of the whimsical story, the information that the series delivers on biology and medicine has garnered praise from doctors and biology teachers for its accuracy.
Is Hataraku Saibou on Netflix?
Yes, ‘Hataraku Saibou’ is available to stream on Netflix for viewers in the United States.
Is Hataraku Saibou on Hulu?
‘Hataraku Saibou’ is not available to stream on Hulu, but interested viewers can alternatively check out ‘Assassination Classroom‘, which is a similar anime.
Is Hataraku Saibou on Amazon Prime?
‘Hataraku Saibou’ is available on Amazon Prime for people who are based in Spain. Audiences in the United States can alternatively watch another similar anime called ‘Inuyashiki Last Hero‘.
Where To Watch Hataraku Saibou Online?
Fans of anime can watch the English dubbed version of ‘Hataraku Saibou’ season 1 and season 2 on Funimation. On Crunchyroll, season 1 is available with its original Japanese audio and English subtitles. Viewers from Australia and New Zealand can stream season 1 and season 2 on AnimeLab.
How To Stream Hataraku Saibou For Free?
If you are looking to stream ‘Hataraku Saibou’ for free, you can do that for a limited amount of time on Crunchyroll and Funimation. Both platforms offer a 14-day free trial to first-time subscribers. Similarly, Netflix (America) and Amazon Prime (Spain) also offer a 30-day free trial when you first sign up, so you can watch the series for free during the trial period. However, we always recommend that you pay for the content you’re consuming.
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