Created by Liz Heldens, ‘The Big Leap’ is a musical comedy-drama that narrates the harrowing but rewarding journey of a group of struggling artists. They are pitted against each other in a competition that is about to deliver a compelling rendition of “Swan Lake.” Starring McKenzie Chinn, Karen Rodriguez, and Rickey Colbert, among several others, the series is awe-inspiring and leaves you with a fuzzy feeling. So, if you have this inspirational drama on your watchlist, here is everything you might want to know about how to watch ‘The Big Leap’!
What is The Big Leap About?
The entire storyline of ‘The Big Leap’ builds on a fictional dance reality competition where 20 amateur dancers are shortlisted to perform to a newer and tougher version of “Swan Lake.” However, as with most drama series, this one too has its share of both tearjerkers and euphoric moments. It starts with Gabby Taylor, a single mother who wants to rebuild her career that she had given up because of her child. On top of that, Gabby falls in love with an NFL player who has a strained relationship with the media.
Next is Julia Perkins, a woman with a failing marriage, followed by Mike Devries, a man trying to impress his ex-wife. More characters include street dancer Justin Reyes, dance instructor Monica Sullivan, and a stonehearted executive, Nick, who is recuperating from a dark controversy that overshadowed his previous show. The experiences that define these characters, along with jaw-dropping dance numbers, are what the series is all about.
Is The Big Leap on Netflix?
This feel-good musical series is not a part of Netflix’s existing catalog. But if you own a subscription to the streaming service, we have a few recommendations of movies and TV shows you might enjoy. They are ‘The Prom,’ ‘The Get Down,’ or ‘Been So Long.’
Is The Big Leap on Hulu?
Hulu subscribers can watch ‘The Big Leap’ through Hulu+Live TV here. If you’re not registered, you can subscribe to the monthly plan for $5.99 or an annual plan for $59.99. The no-ads plan is available for $11.99 per month.
Is The Big Leap on Amazon Prime?
‘The Big Leap’ is not a part of Amazon Prime’s existing offerings. However, you might find ‘Glee‘ or ‘Bandish Bandits‘ to your liking.
Where to Watch The Big Leap Online?
‘The Big Leap’ is a series on Fox, which means you can watch the episodes on Fox’s official website and Fox Now app. If that is not an option, you can visit live-streaming platforms such as DirecTV, YouTube TV, Fubo TV, and Sling TV. It is also currently available for streaming on Spectrum on Demand.
How to Stream The Big Leap for Free?
Since ‘The Big Leap’ is available on Hulu+Live TV, Fubo TV, Sling TV, and YouTube TV, new subscribers have a seven-day window to watch the show for free while on the trial period. However, paying for the content you like is always a viable option.
Read More: Where is The Big Leap Filmed?