‘Y: The Last Man’ is a post-apocalyptic drama based on the comic book series of the same name by Pia Guerra and Brian K. Vaughan. The show opens with the dramatic premise wherein the world’s male population of mammals mysteriously dies, with the exception of one man and a monkey. The show has a lot to offer for viewers looking for an entertaining watch and a unique premise. It is directed by multiple female directors, including Louise Friedberg, Destiny Ekaragha, and Daisy von Scherler Mayer. Moreover, the visuals are truly breathtaking in their detailed apocalyptic destruction. Curious about where you can stream the show and watch it? We’ve got your back.
What is Y: The Last Man About?
‘Y: The Last Man’ opens with a mysterious calamity that wipes out all the male population of mammals on the planet. It follows the lone male survivor, Yorick Brown, and his pet monkey Ampersand. After the devastating tragedy, the female survivors attempt to pick up the pieces and try to rebuild society. Much of the show’s intrigue lies in the characters trying to decipher what actually happened and ensuring that Yorick survives. The reformation of society is also one of the major long-running plot points of the series that details how different factions emerge amongst the survivors.
Is Y: The Last Man on Netflix?
‘Y: The Last Man’ is not available on Netflix. However, similar shows can be accessed on the streamer and will fill your sci-fi-loving heart with joy. One such option is the critically acclaimed show ‘Dark.’ It follows a mysterious intersection of space-time dimensions that is discovered when two children go missing in a forest in Germany. Those looking for a more political flavor in their apocalypse tea might find ‘Designated Survivor‘ to their liking. It is set in the aftermath of a deadly attack that kills the President and most of the cabinet, leaving a lone, unsuspecting politician to be instantly catapulted to lead a panicking nation.
Is Y: The Last Man on Hulu?
Since ‘Y: The Last Man’ is an FX on Hulu original, it is part of the Hulu streaming library. This means that the subscribers of the streaming service can watch the show here at no additional cost.
Is Y: The Last Man on Amazon Prime?
‘Y: The Last Man’ is not available on Amazon Prime, but a good substitute is ‘12 Monkeys,’ which is a time-traveling pick that also deals with weighty apocalyptic scenarios.
Is Y: The Last Man on HBO Max?
Unfortunately, ‘Y: The Last Man’ is not available on HBO Max. But, as an alternative, you can definitely catch up on a great dystopian sci-fi drama titled ‘Westworld.’
Where to Watch Y: The Last Man Online?
‘Y: The Last Man’ is available to stream on FX on Hulu in the United States and Disney+ in the UK. Existing subscribers to Hulu and Disney+ can go ahead and watch the show at no extra cost.
How to Stream Y: The Last Man For Free?
Those of you hoping to check out the show for free will be happy to learn that Hulu offers a 1-month free trial. So, the first-time subscribers can opt for a plan of their choice and enjoy ‘Y: The Last Man’ for free while the trial lasts. However, we encourage the viewers to pay for the content they would like to consume online and refrain from using any illegal means.
Read More: Where is Y: The Last Man Filmed?