Are Rhonda and Sharron From Too Hot to Handle Still Together?

Too Hot to Handle’ is a dating-based reality show where single men and women spend time together in a luxury resort and mingle with each other. The point is to develop connections with people without getting physically intimate with them. Rhonda Paul and Sharron Townsend became one of the first people to couple up in season 1. Fans got invested in their relationship as they made significant progress together and mutually nurtured their bond. Are you curious to know if the couple is still together? Here is everything we’ve got!

Rhonda and Sharron’s Too Hot to Handle Journey

Quite early on in the first season, Sharron made it evident that he was interested in Rhonda and kissed her almost five minutes into their first-ever onscreen conversation. Fortunately, she was into him too and was impressed by his confidence. However, Sharron was not looking for love at the time. In fact, he was wary of commitment because of the heartbreak he had suffered in the past. Things came to a head for him when David entered the frame, and Sharron realized that he might have stronger feelings for Rhonda than he initially thought.

Rhonda’s patience with Sharron paid off, and he was eventually ready to bring his walls down and open up to her. This further strengthened their connection, and Rhonda was further drawn to him as she got to know him better. Their progress was impressive, and they also remained good at following the rules. This earned the pair an evening in the private suite, which ironically cost the group $16,000 when things got steamy between the two. By the end of the season, the two got very close and started a relationship. Rhonda took a big step and introduced Sharron to her young son, Amari.

Even the creative director Laura Gibson was impressed by the strong connection between Rhonda and Sharron. She was amazed by the connection between the two cast members and felt it was something she had never seen on reality television before. She lauded the authenticity of their dynamic and how they evolved together. Naturally, you must be eager to know if Rhonda and Sharron have been able to go the distance.

Are Rhonda and Sharron Still Together?

Shortly after season 1 hit the screens, Rhonda and Sharron revealed that they were no longer together. This broke the hearts of many fans as they felt that if any couple from the show was most likely to remain together in the long run, it would be them. The first season was filmed in Spring 2019, and the pair remained close for some time after the cameras stopped rolling on them. Unfortunately, the distance became an issue for the two, and they were unable to keep their relationship going.

While Sharron lives in New Jersey, Rhonda stays in Atlanta with her son. Before the pandemic hit, they were planning to meet up but got caught up with other things in life, and ultimately the travel restrictions kept them apart. Sharron opened up in an interview in April 2020 and shared that he had a lot on his hands on the family front, including his mother’s illness. He realized that he was shutting himself off and drifting away from Rhonda even though he did not intend to.

Even though Rhonda and Sharron ended their romance, they continued to be an essential presence in each other’s life. “With everything that’s going on now, we actually haven’t even had the time to meet since the show. It’s been very difficult with that space between us, so we kind of just agreed to be friends for now,” Rhonda told Women’s Health in April 2020. She emphasized, We are the best of friends; we still do talk, as far as helping each other out, talking to each other, and things like that.”

In another conversation with The Daily Mirror in Spring 2020, Rhonda said, “Sharron and I are not together, but fortunately, I have been able to rekindle a relationship with a special someone.” However, the current status of that relationship is not known. When all is said and done, it is clear that the decision to break up was not easy for either Sharron or Rhonda, which was also reflected in their emotional interaction in the show’s reunion special. However, it seemed that Sharron had not given up hope that they might be able to work things out one day.

In April 2020, Sharron admitted that he hoped there was a chance to work things out with Rhonda. He also revealed that he had a lot of love for the mother of one. He considered her a blessing in his life and did not want to lose out on the opportunity to be with her. Since then, both Rhonda and Sharron have been busy with their own lives, but this has not stopped the “ShaRhonda” fans from shipping these two together even after all this time. So, only time can tell what is in store for Rhonda and Sharron.

Read More: Are Harry and Francesca from Too Hot to Handle Still Together?