6. If Arya Never Met Jagenh’ghar
Lit was at Yoren’s party that Arya met Jaqenh’ghar first. If she had never met the man the young wolf would never have become the faceless assassin that she is today. She wouldn’t have learnt about the faceless men, Valar Morghulis or any of the mind-boggling thing.
7. Melisandre Predicting Stannis Baratheon’s Defeat
The lady in red claimed that the Iron throne was of Stannis’s as shown to her by the lord of the light. It was because of her predictions many innocents lost their life including our dear princess Shireen. Had Melisandre been a better soothsayer like Maggy the frog she might have predicted Stannis’s defeat saving us the horror of witnessing Shireen’s death.
8. Cersei Never Meets Qyburn
It was through Jamie that Qyburn first made acquaintance of her highness Cersei. He slowly climbed up the ladder practically replacing old Pycelle. Had Qyburn never entered Cersei’s life the former disgraced maester wouldn’t have brought back the Mountain in his current zombie-like ‘avataar’ to do Cersei’s bidding. It is because of the resurrected monster that Cersei holds her position and power and can dare to do things unimaginable.
9. Had Oberyn Martell Won the Duel
When even Bronn refused to fight against The Mountain, it was Oberyn who stepped in to save the day and Tyrion most importantly. But he got cocky and quite gruesomely got his head smashed like a melon. If Oberyn had won the duel the fate of Tyrion would have been different. Whether he still would have become Dany’s hand is different but Tyrion for sure would have taken other steps.
10. Had the White Walkers Never Lost
It was the first men and the children of the forest who had fought side-by-side to defeat the white-walkers during the long night. Had the white-walkers managed to win the first time around, we wouldn’t have had to go through all this excruciatingly delightful but complex drama that unfolded in Westeros. There would have been no Westeros and the night king would have happily ruled over the seven kingdoms.
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