‘Darcey and Stacey’ is a reality series that follows the lives of the twin sisters Darcey Silva and Stacey Silva and throws light on their romantic relationships. It is a spin-off of ’90 Day Fiance’ that first premiered on August 16, 2020. Fans of the original series might be aware of Darcey’s tumultuous past with foreign beaus – Jesse Meester and Tom Brooks. However, the mother of two has not given up on love and is seen dating Georgi Rusev on the show. Curious to know whether the current status of their romance? Let’s find out!
Darcey and Georgi: Darcey and Stacey Journey
Georgi and Darcey connected with each other on social media. Darcey was smitten by Georgi’s physique, which is because of his modeling career in Washington DC and a job as a former lifeguard, fitness trainer, and athlete. As luck would have it, they both happened to be in the same place: in Miami during the SuperBowl. He then slid into her DMs and asked her if they could meet in person to which she happily obliged. His looks and charm made her slip a little too hard. What started as a magnetic pull of physical attraction ended up in something more serious. The couple began to look at the prospect of spending more time together in New York, and Georgi excitedly agreed to meet her.
Before his actual arrival, Darcey had already taken things to the next level by video calling him during a bubble bath. Their smoldering chemistry was evident when Georgi expressed his desire to be next to her in the bathtub. Upon Georgi’s arrival, Darcey’s face lit up when she saw Georgi carrying a bunch of beautiful red roses for her. She immediately mentioned that no man had ever gifted her flowers in the entire 45-years of her life. From there, the two went for a cozy dinner at Patsy’s before spending an intimate night together at the hotel. The next morning, Darcey couldn’t believe her luck and pinched herself to be sure if he is actually “real”. Did their relationship stand the test of time?
Are Darcey and Georgi Still Together?
Georgi never denied that he contacted Darcey solely because of her physical features, but he also stated that is not why he went to see her! He only ignited a spark between him and Darcey to form a real connection with her. Seeing her as someone supportive, the model feels really attached to her.
She reciprocates his feelings and has also expressed that Georgi actively pursuing her is a refreshing change from the previous toxic relationships she had been in. Despite Stacey’s reservations over her sister’s new man, Darcey and Georgi seem to be in it for the right reasons. It looks like they are still together and are looking forward to a future together.
Read More: Are Zied and Rebecca From 90 Day Fiance Still Together?
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