As ‘From’ season 3 picks up after the chaos that unfolded in the Town at the end of season 2, characters and viewers alike find themselves in uncharted territories with even more questions than before. Jim Matthews is left searching for his wife, Tabitha, who— unbeknownst to him—has somehow fallen out of the Town and back into the regular world. Meanwhile, Sheriff Boyd Stevens and Donna Raines are faced with an impossible predicament as the fateful storm clears and leaves only damnation behind. Thus, as the Town plunges into this new chapter of its horrifyingly eclectic story, they seem only to be heading toward their own doom. SPOILERS AHEAD!
Jim Searches for Tabitha
In the wake of the last season, the Matthew family finds themselves torn apart after the mysterious Boy in White somehow sends Tabitha out of the Town and into the real world. However, while the viewers remain privy to this information, the Matthews do not. As such, they’re compelled to believe Tabitha simply got lost while venturing into the deathly woods alone. This leads Ethan and Julie to grow antsy about their mother’s disappearance as the unspoken assumption of her death hangs in the air. Consequently, after Ethan goes as far as to attempt to search for her himself, Jim takes up the responsibility of going into the forest and looking for his wife.
Although Boyd, who has recently witnessed the horrors of the forest himself, remains weary of Jim’s idea, his former deputy, Kenny, recognizes the situation’s gravity and offers to accompany the other man on his ill-advised trip. For his part, the Sheriff does his best to arm the duo with everything he knows about the forest. However, once Jim and Kenny advance deeper into the woods, they find no sign of the spiders Boyd had warned them against. Instead, they come across a scruffy shed, which allows them to spend the night in the forest, shuttered away from the monsters outside.
While the night doesn’t bring any trouble from the monsters—thanks to Boyd’s handy talisman—it still lands Jim in an unfavorable predicament. As the man risks his life out into the woods on what is most likely a wild goose chase, he realizes his efforts may leave his kids entirely orphaned. The only reason Tabitha went on her own mission alone in the first place was so Ethan and Julie would still have Jim if something happened to her. Therefore, now that she’s gone, it’s up to him to ensure their kids’ safety. Ultimately, the trip doesn’t bring Jim any closer to reuniting with Tabitha. However, it might have cemented his shift to a different objective for the coming future.
Boyd and Donna are Confronted With a Crisis
Although Boyd’s past experience with the forest prevents him from accompanying Jim on his mission, the Sheriff has plenty to deal with back within the Town. As it turns out, the storm that previously passed through the Town had rotted all the crops, leading to a scarcity in the already dwindling food supply. Furthermore, before Kenny leaves on his mission, he and Boyd find a strange man squatting in a house who seems to be on the edge of his sanity. While the latter proposes an equally perplexing puzzle, Boyd averts his attention toward the upcoming famine, threatening to break the Town’s thinly held peace.
Since Donna hadn’t been particularly secretive about the crops’ demise, half the Town was aware of their uncertain predicament. Therefore, under threat of possible starvation, some townsfolk, including Nathan, attempted to bring the farm animals to slaughter. However, as it stands, the farm animals are the Town’s sole source of resources through their milk and eggs—which far outweigh their worth in meat. Even though Boyd can convince Nathan and the others of the same, tension visibly grows among the masses.
Naturally, trouble arrives at night when a group of people unlatch the farm doors, allowing herds of cows to roam free under the night sky. The animals’ freedom directly puts them in the path of bloodthirsty monsters, which compels Boyd and the other townspeople to rush to their rescue in an attempt to bring as many back to safety as possible. In the end, despite the encounters with the monsters, Boyd manages to round up the last of the cows to their shed with the help of Kenny’s mother, Tian-Chen.
Nevertheless, a pack of monsters led by the Western Star Cowboy is waiting for Boyd inside the shed. As Boyd locks the doors with his talisman, he unwittingly ends up cornering himself and Tian-Chen with their demises. However, the monster doesn’t seem eager to kill Boyd. Instead, they simply want to make him suffer and break his spirit. For the same reason, they tie the Sherrif to a post as they dig into Tian-Chen’s skull right in front of his eyes, proving once again that hope was a fatal thing to have in this Town.
Tabitha Learns the Secret of Victor’s Lunchbox
In season 3, out of all the characters, Tabitha’s storyline undeniably presents the most intriguing narrative. After spending two seasons trapped inside the horror-filled Town, viewers now find themselves on the outside. Somehow, the Boy in White has managed to push the woman beyond the inconquerable borders, which in and of itself raises concerns about the former’s motives and intentions. On the other hand, it presents Tabitha with a unique situation. Although the woman has managed to escape the Town, her family and friends are still stuck inside.
As such, Tabitha has no choice but to find a way to return back to the Town she has longed to escape since day one. The situation understandably leaves her perplexed, especially after she loses sight of the Boy in White following her escape from the hospital. Consequently, with no other avenue open, she arrives before a priest, searching for answers. While the priest can sympathize with her frazzled state, her experiences are hardly normal enough to warrant trust. Still, the priest tries to help by asking questions about the out-of-place lunchbox bag Tabitha is sporting.
Victor, the ever-mysterious town resident, gave Tabitha the box to make sure she had food in her person during her mission. However, as she looks around inside the box, she finds a clue that could lead her to the center of the puzzle. Victor’s address from when he was a young boy has been scribbled inside the box. Needless to say, it isn’t long before Tabitha finds herself standing outside 1597 Burnout Street in Camden, Maine. There, her paths cross with an older man who instantly recognizes the lunchbox. This man is Victor’s father, who isn’t nearly as old as Victor’s age suggests he should be. The meeting between him and Tabith is bound to bring some much-needed answers or even bigger questions about the Town and the many mysteries it harbors.
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