The cameras have finally started rolling for the fifth installment of the ‘God’s Not Dead’ franchise, titled ‘God’s Not Dead: Rise Up,’ currently in production in Rock Hill and Fort Mill, South Carolina. Originally scheduled for a 2023 release, the movie’s production delay pushed the anticipated release to 2024. In the political drama, the narrative unfolds as a respected incumbent abruptly withdraws from the Congressional race. A seasoned yet embittered campaign strategist, enticed out of retirement, persuades Reverend Dave Hill to embark on a run for office.
As the narrative progresses, the ensuing race becomes a clash against Dave and his opposition’s ideologies, as the latter schemes to systematically eliminate religion’s sway on public policy. The stage is set for a high-stakes political showdown, where personal convictions and the struggle for influence collide in a riveting campaign for change. The ‘God’s Not Dead’ films draw inspiration from Rice Broocks’ 2013 Evangelical Christian book, titled ‘God’s Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty.’
Steering the directorial helm once again is Harold Cronk, the visionary behind the original ‘God’s Not Dead’ movie and its sequel ‘God’s Not Dead 2.’ The upcoming installment brings back franchise producer David A.R. White in the lead role as Reverend Dave. Joining him in this anticipated movie are familiar faces, including Dean Cain, Isaiah Washington, Ray Wise, Cory Oliver, and Brad Heller, all set to reprise their respective roles. As the saga continues, Cronk’s directorial expertise promises to guide the cast through another compelling chapter in the series.
White conveyed that it marked a new chapter in the ‘God’s Not Dead’ franchise, expressing eagerness to share it with all the fans. He noted feeling humbled, even eight years later, by the resonance of this type of movie and its message with so many people. White emphasized the undeniable legacy and impact of the film series, expressing pride and honor in being part of this movement.
Isaiah Washington confirmed his return as Congressman Darrel Smith, mentioning that the character brings back Texas conservative energy. Reflecting on his involvement in the ‘God’s Not Dead’ franchise, Washington conveyed that it felt just as exhilarating as working with Spike Lee during the peak of the latter’s career. He expressed excitement about collaborating with innovators and risk-takers who fearlessly tell stories authentically and honestly, capable of striking a nerve or sparking inspiration. The film will be produced and distributed by Pure Flix and Pinnacle Peak Pictures.
Read More: Best Christian Movies
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