In ‘Horimiya: The Missing Pieces’ episode 4 titled ‘Hori Kotatsu,’ Miyamura studies at Kyouko’s house to prepare for the upcoming exams. Kakeru later joins them as well. When Shindou ends up accidentally sending some messages to Miyamura instead of his girlfriend, it leads to a huge misunderstanding between him and Kyouko. Miyamura later learns that his girlfriends’s parents have been friends with Kakeru’s father for a long time.
Miyamura and Kyouko Study for Exams
Since the exams are about to commence soon, Miyamura visits his girlfriend’s house so that they can study together. When Kyosuke finds them working hard together, he decides to sit with them in the Kotetsu. Interestingly, Souta is also there and all of them end up falling asleep for some time. When Miyamura wakes up, he realizes that his legs are all tangled with the legs of others and he can’t really move, which is a huge problem since he wants to go to the toilet.
As he slowly tries to move his feet, Miyamura feels a stark pain in his legs and it becomes obvious that he needs the help of Kyosuke and Kyouko as well. Unfortunately, both of them are too lazy to try and do something. This leads to a brief altercation between the couple while Kyosuke sleeps. Eventually, Miyamura manages to finally free his leg and goes to the toilet. Later, Kakeru also joins them and the three friends start preparing for the exams together.
One day when Miyamura falls asleep after studying, Kyouko notices that he has three unread messages. They are from Shindou and appear to ask Miyamura to meet him in the park. One of them says that he loves him. Naturally, Kyouko is mad but it turns out that Shindou actually wanted to send those messages to Chika and all of this was a huge misunderstanding. When Miyamura later wakes up, he notices that his girlfriend is mad about something but the two end up kissing. The couple later goes to buy something from a nearby grocery store.
Does Kakeru Tell His Father About His Girlfriend?
After Kyouko Hori and Miyamura return to the former’s house again, they find Takeru Sengoku there sitting in the kotatsu with Kyosuke Hori and his son. The two of them learn that Kakeru and Takeru came across Kyosuke earlier that evening and he decided to invite them both to his house. Takeru notices how casually Miyamura visited the Hori house. Miyamura reveals that he actually spends a lot of time there and Kyosuke then clarifies that he is dating his daughter.
Takeru does not seem to like the idea of dating at such a young age and tells Kyosuke that his son has no time for such things. This naturally shocks Miyamura and Kyouko, who realize that Kakeru is yet to tell his father about his girlfriend. It turns out that he has been waiting for the right time and even invited Remi over for Christmas, but the two ended up going to the latter’s apartment instead. So he never managed to tell his father about Remi and he is still in the dark about his dating life.
Miyamura and Kyouko see this as an opportunity to tease Kakeru. However, Kyosuke does not like the strict attitude Takeru appears to have about his son’s dating life. He points out that there must be someone that his son is into and probably wants to date. According to him, it is unreasonable to expect teenagers to have such a strict outlook toward relationships. Kyosuke goes as far as describing Takeru’s worldview as outdated, which naturally infuriates the latter.
Kyosuke and Takeru then have a brief altercation with each other. But Kyouko tries to turn the conversation back to Kakeru’s girlfriend. Unfortunately for her, no one really pays much attention to what she has to say. While returning home that evening, Takeru tells his son that he does not need a girlfriend. Naturally, Kakeru feels that his father is not at all ready at this point to learn about Remu, so he decides to not say anything.
Read More: Horimiya: The Missing Pieces Episode 3 Recap and Ending, Explained
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