A young online streamer named India Mackey shared the details of her life with her followers through her live streams, but when she was found dead, it turned out that her seemingly picture-perfect internet persona was not even close to what she went through behind the camera. With her family members, friends, and online admirers in shock, the police did not take much time to capture the killer and bring him to justice. The episode titled ‘Why You Recording Me?’ of ‘American Monster’ takes us right in the middle of the case, covering all the intricate details about India Mackey’s murder and the investigation that followed.
How Did India Elise Mackey Die?
Joseph Polk and Sabrina Mackey gave birth to India Elise Mackey on November 18, 1999. Growing up with six sisters, Isis Mackey, Angel and Ajah Scott, Debra El’Amin III, Emily, and Emerson Polk, and six brothers, Ivory, Joseph Jr. “JoJo”, Joseph Jr. “Two Sweet” Polk, Andrew, Antorion Scott, Joaquin Vargas, she was close to each one and very supportive of them all. In 2017, she completed her schooling from Saginaw High School. Moreover, under the leadership of Pastor Chet Atkins, she became a member of Gideon Christ Community Church and was known to be an active volunteer for several church events and programs.
As for her hobbies, India was into acting and singing, while regularly spending some quality time with her friends and sisters. Described as a bundle of joy by others, she was able to brighten up the room with her positive energy, always pushing others to be the best version of themselves. She also used to document her life and share it with the world through live streams, garnering many online followers in the process. Sadly, with so much to live for, she turned up dead in the back of a van on November 19, 2019, a day after her 20th birthday, with a fatal gunshot wound.
Who Killed India Elise Mackey?
In the front seat of the van was Kevin Dixon, India Elise Mackey’s boyfriend at the time, who was stopped by the police for driving erratically. Upon finding the bloodied body of India, the authorities launched an investigation immediately. Soon, they would come to know that the shooting took place around 5:30 in the evening on the same day, right outside Kevin’s house on Shirley Avenue near 10 Mile Road and Hayes in Warren, Michigan. The couple was fighting inside the van when the argument got heated.
While Kevin pulled out his handgun, India took out her phone and recorded him loading a clip into it sitting in the driver’s seat. The video showed him threatening to kill her and wiping off his fingerprints from a bullet while he is heard saying, “You think I’m playing, huh?.” Shortly after the threat, he pulled the trigger and shot India Mackey to death. After moving her body to the passenger seat, he drove away and picked up her phone to call up India’s family and friends, including her mother, to tell her that her daughter was dead. While on a call with another one of India’s acquaintances, he blamed India for her own demise, saying that she was playing with a gun and it went off.
Kevin also allegedly called his mother, Nikita Dixon, using India’s phone, begging her to take care of the handgun that he threw in the driveway of his house. While he was speeding away in panic mode, his alarming driving was noticed by the police on Gratiot Avenue near Nine Mile Road in the town of Eastpointe, where he was pulled over and arrested after discovering India’s body, charged with first-degree murder and for carrying a concealed weapon. It was found that he had a history of domestic assault as he was dropped off those charges in July of the same year. Moreover, Nikita Dixon reportedly went to Kevin’s house and got rid of the gun as requested by her son. This resulted in her arrest as well, for tampering with evidence.
Kevin is Still Behind Bars, While Nikita is Awaiting His Release
After being in custody for more than a couple of years, Kevin Antonio Dixon’s trial commenced. In March 2022, the Warren resident pleaded no contest to the second-degree murder charge he faced in the murder case of India Elise Mackey. Just a month after entering the plea, where he also pleaded to possession of a firearm, in April 2022, he attempted to withdraw his plea claiming that he was pressured into entering it by his family and attorney. With his request denied by the court, the date of his sentencing was postponed.
Consequently, Kevin was sentenced to 18 to 35 years in prison for the 2019 murder of India Elise Mackey. He also received a two-year imprisonment sentence for possession of a firearm while committing a felony, which he had already served before his hearing. As for his mother Nikita Dixon, though she was charged with two felonies, she was not sentenced to any jail time or probation as she was simply ordered to repay $1,500 in court-appointed attorney fees and $825 in other costs. At present, Kevin is behind bars serving his sentence at St. Louis Correctional Facility at 8585 North Croswell Road in St. Louis, with his release date set between November 2039 and November 2056. As far as her mother is concerned, Nikita has been leading a life away from the public eye, probably looking forward to her son’s release.
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