‘Malibu Rescue’ revolves around a ragtag group of young rescuers who are often looked down upon by their peers. But time and again, through sheer hard work and persistence, the group defies all odds and surpasses everyone’s expectations. For the most part, the series very well conforms to the archetypes of the teen genre. Moreover, its puerile humor and uplifting themes are more appealing to a younger demographic. It’s still fun, amusing, and energetic enough to make you stick around for more. With that said, if you’ve already watched any of the installments of the ‘Malibu Rescue’ franchise and you’re wondering if it’s based on a true story, here’s everything you need to know.
Is Malibu Rescue Based on a True Story?
No, ‘Malibu Rescue’ is not based on a true story. However, certain aspects of its underlying themes and teen melodrama will resonate with young audiences. The show’s primary narrative revolves around the ups and downs, highs and lows of a group of junior beach rescuers who struggle to fit in. They initially try to get along with their snobby Malibu counterparts. Still, when that does not work out, they stop seeking the validation of others and set out to create an identity for themselves by outperforming everyone else. The show’s portrayal of how these misfits deal with trials and tribulations may be a little over-the-top, but it is uplifting nonetheless. It also sends out a very positive message for its young viewers—no matter who you are or where you come from, you can overcome stereotypes and achieve greatness.
In an interview, Jackie R. Jacobson, who plays the role of Dylan, talked about her experiences at the sets of ‘Malibu Rescue.’ She said that all the young cast members of the series got along very well from the beginning. They even hung out on weekends and garnered real friendships in real life. As a result of this, their chemistry on-screen improved further. Speaking of the on-screen chemistry of the characters, the franchise also does justice to the group dynamics of The Flounders. Although a little archetypal, all five leads (Tyler, Dylan, Eric, Lizzie, and Gina) of the show have contrasting personalities that complement each other, portraying how diversity can have a positive impact on a group.
In the same interview, Jackie R. Jacobson also added that although she grew up in a beach town, she wasn’t too familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a lifeguard. So to ensure that she and the rest of the cast were well-versed with their responsibilities as rescuers in the series, the creators provided them with real lifeguard flashcards and notes that helped them get a better understanding of the characters they were playing. Other than that, the series’ characters also serve as great role models for younger viewers as they often shed light on the importance of teamwork and perseverance.
Read More: Where Was Malibu Rescue Filmed?