Set in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood, ‘South Side’ is a comedy show that centers upon two community college graduates and petty hustlers who go to desperate lengths to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams. Unbeknownst to the hilarious flaws in their plans and with no clear idea to execute, the duo often comes up with petty schemes hoping they will eventually help them in upward mobility.
Starring Sultan Salahuddin, Kareme Young, Chandra Russell, Bashir Salahuddin, Lil Rel Howery, the show first premiered on July 24, 2019, and is now in its second season. Curious to know more about the show, including where you can watch it? Well, here’s everything you need to know about the streaming details of ‘South Side!’
What is South Side About?
After graduating from community college, Simon and Kareme are looking for opportunities to achieve their ambitious entrepreneurial dreams. Unfortunately, they are stuck in dead-end jobs at Rent-T-Own, a retail-rental crossroads in Chicago’s working-class neighborhood of Englewood. Despite the hurdles in their path, the iconic duo is reluctant to give up on their dreams and go to desperate lengths for upward social mobility. However, their hilarious and weak schemes like street-corner popcorn and black market Viagara do not necessarily prove to be the right entrepreneurial idea to help them achieve what they want.
As the story unfolds, Simon and Kareme come with different innovative and investment ideas without knowing that almost all of them have obvious flaws. The second installment features similar drama revolving around Simon and Kareme’s ideas and their investment in the cryptocurrency, Litcoin. The comedic misadventures of the dynamic duo from Chicago’s South Side get more entertaining with each episode. In case you’re planning to watch the show, here’s all the streaming information you may need!
Is South Side on Netflix?
Netflix subscribers will have to look for the show on other platforms since it is currently not available on the streaming giant. We recommend our readers watch other comedy shows like ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,’ ‘Lovesick,’ or ‘Santa Clarita Diet.‘
Is South Side on Hulu?
Hulu’s basic subscription does not include the Sultan Salahuddin-starrer TV show. However, if one gets an HBO Max add-on, they can get access to the exclusive content of the streamer, including ‘South Side.’ You can learn more about it here!
Is South Side on Amazon Prime?
No, ‘South Side’ is not part of Amazon Prime’s current offering. Nevertheless, one can head here to rent or purchase the first season of the comedy show.
Is South Side on HBO Max?
‘South Side’ moved to HBO Max for the second season and is now categorized as an original series by the streamer. Therefore, it is exclusively available on the platform, so subscribers can watch all the episodes here.
Where to Watch South Side Online?
Since ‘South Side’ is now an HBO Max Original series, the show is not accessible on any other platform. However, you can rent/purchase previous installments on Microsoft Store, Google Play, Vudu, iTunes, and YouTube. The first season is also accessible on Comedy Central.
How to Stream South Side for Free?
Since HBO Max no longer offers a free trial, cord-cutters may feel that they can’t watch the show free of charge. However, you would be delighted to know that Hulu’s HBO Max add-on comes with a 7-day free trial. Furthermore, we encourage our readers to always pay for the content they wish to consume online.
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