Apple TV+’s British series ‘Suspicion’ follows the abduction of Leo Newman and the subsequent investigation that accuses four ordinary British citizens. The thriller series begins with Leo’s abduction as four masked individuals abduct him when he walks to his room in Park Madison Hotel in Midtown, New York City. As the thriller series progresses, the exuberant establishment of Park Madison Hotel continues to play a pivotal part in the narrative. As its grandeur succeeds to fascinate the viewers, one must be wondering whether the hotel is indeed real. Let’s find out! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Is Park Madison a Real Hotel in New York?
No, Park Madison is not a real hotel in New York. Even though a significant portion of the series is set and filmed in New York, Park Madison is a fictional hotel. The fictional establishment is most possibly named after the renowned New York-landmark Madison Square Park. As far as Midtown, New York, the location of the fictional hotel, is concerned, the word “Madison” holds a special place. From Madison Square to Madison Square Garden, “Madison” is a significant presence in Midtown, New York City. Thus, the name of the hotel does enhance the New York City setting of the series.
Since the hotel is the setting of Leo’s abduction in the series, it does make sense that a fictional establishment is conceived for the part rather than involving the brand value of a real hotel. Nonetheless, the luxurious hotel is filmed impeccably for the series. The opulent hotel plays a significant part in the narrative as well. The show’s most significant plot point, the abduction of Leo Newman, happens in Park Madison. The hotel also acts as the common link between Aadesh, Natalie, and Tara as all three suspects spent the day of the abduction at the hotel, which change their lives considerably.
Aadesh decided to stay at the hotel to pretend that he is a big-shot cybersecurity technician. He used the opulence of Park Madison to impress his interviewees. Natalie decided to stay at the hotel to celebrate the hen night at a special place. Tara stayed at the place since the place accommodates the highest class of the society for any event. Thus, the hotel acts as a pivotal point in the lives of the three suspects.
Although fictional, Park Madison is an iconic landmark in the universe of ‘Suspicion.’ Its magnificence and splendor do make it a perfect New York City establishment in the series.
Read More: Is Suspicion Based on a True Story?
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