Max’s ‘Serving the Hamptons,’ which premiered in 2022, is an intriguing docuseries that focuses on the world of hospitality management. Set in Hampton in Zach Erdem’s 75 Main, it gives viewers a glimpse into the world of how a high-end restaurant with all sorts of clients tends to function. We also get to see how the staff manages to handle their own dilemmas along with work, even as they are supported by Zach and his trusted best friend cum manager Victoria Hilton. Jack Tavcar works as one of the waiters of Zach’s efficient crew in the eatery.
New York-based Jack Tavcar Has Extensively Studied Theatre Arts
Jack Tavcar, the charming waiter on the show, was born in Bellerose, New York, on August 20, 1997. He is the youngest of four siblings, which include his older brother Andrew and older sisters Madeleine and Emily, born to parents James and Christine Tavcar. The siblings share a very close bond with each other and often feature in Jack’s socials. Jack had always been inclined towards the performing arts. It was his love to gain further knowledge in art and music that led him to attend the Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School AKA LaGuardia in the Upper West Side of Manhattan, New York City, to specialize in classical voice. Jack also has experience in playing musical instruments like the piano and violin while just as confidently doing impressions and juggling.
After that, Jack joined the University of Southern California in 2015 for a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Theatre. To further enhance his understanding of acting, he joined the USC School of Dramatic Arts. Jack also attended the London Academy of Music & Dramatic Art in 2017 in the Summer Shakespeare School to study an 8-week intensive training in Shakespeare studies and classical acting. Jack put all his learnings to use in several theatre productions, such as in ‘Moonchildren’ where he essayed the role of Ralph/Effing, ‘The Wild Party’ as Eddie, ‘A Little Night Music’ as Bertrand, and ‘The Miser’ as Valere. He also donned the director’s hat in one of his plays; Shakespeare’s ‘Titus Andronicus’ which was performed by the Aeneid Theatre Company, in Los Angeles in 2018.
Zack Tavcar Has a Variety of Professional Experiences
Zack started his professional career as a freelance production assistant at Refinery29, Inc. Thereafter, he interned part-time at the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum before taking up a full-time job as a food runner in San Vicente Bungalows. Since 2012, he has also served as a lifeguard on a part-time basis with Cross Island YMCA, and since January 2020, he has been freelancing as a production assistant on Netflix.
Before he arrived in the Hamptons, the aspiring actor had been working in restaurants all across Los Angeles. It was while on his way to collect his check from East Coast’s Stop & Shop that he got acquainted with Erdem, and in May 2020, during the pandemic, he joined Zach Erdem’s Blu Mar in Southampton as a server.
In 2016, Jack bagged the opportunity to essay the role of Damon in the short, ‘Harmony of Grey.’ Throughout Jack’s varied career changes, he has actively pursued his passion for the performing arts and even became a company member of The Actors Co-op Theatre Company in 2019. After the first season of ‘Serving at the Hamptons,’ wrapped up, he returned to New York to once again focus on his acting. However, Jack returned to the Hamptons’ 75 Main to work during shoots of the show’s second season.
Jack Tavcar Maintains an Air of Mystery Around His Relationship Status
Jack Tavcar, who loves to learn and explore the world of acting, maintains a low profile when it comes to his dating life. His social media has glimpses from his worldwide travels, friends, family, and co-stars, but nothing that might indicate a special someone in his life. Jack prefers to keep the attention to his work and his own lively self. Seen as one of the more serious castmates on the show, Jack’s interest in keeping his personal life away from the spotlight indicates his desire to keep the specific aspect of matters of the heart a secret as of now.
Read More: Serving the Hamptons’s Jillian Gough: From VIP Hostess to Reality TV Star