Jennifer Martel Murder: Where Is Jared Remy Now?

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When Jennifer Martel found love in Boston, Massachusets, she believed her life had taken a turn for the better. However, tragedy struck soon after as she was found brutally murdered outside her home in full public view. Investigation Discovery’s ‘Deadly Sins: No Forgiveness: Unforgiven Rage-Aholics’ chronicles this gruesome murder and portrays how the police were able to bring her killer to justice.

How Did Jennifer Martel Die?

Jennifer was just 27 years old and resided in Boston, Massachusets, at the time of her murder. While people who knew her described her as an amazing human being who never hesitated to help others and always had a smile on he face, she was also a caring mother of one and prioritized her child over everything else. Interestingly, Jennifer even maintained wonderful relationships with most of her neighbors, who supported her in times of need. Yet, no one could have ever predicted the sudden and shocking hate crime that ended up claiming her life.

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When the police were informed of Jenifer’s murder on August 15, 2013, they rushed to the scene, only to find the victim lying outside her house in a pool of her blood. An initial medical examination soon unveiled the presence of stab wounds and bruises, which indicated a brutal attack, and the police knew the victim had tried to defend herself. Later, an autopsy confirmed that she was stabbed and beaten to death, although she had signs of physical injury and abuse from before the murder as well. Since the crime happened outside and nothing seemed stolen from Jennifer’s residence, the police soon ruled out the theory of a robbery gone wrong and were sure that the victim knew her killer. Hence, they carried out a thorough search of the crime scene before talking to the one and only eyewitness.

Who Killed Jennifer Martel?

Even though Jennifer’s murder looked quite complicated initially, it did not take long for the police to get a breakthrough as there was a person who had witnessed the whole incident. This witness was her friend and neighbor, Kristina Hill, who rushed out of her home after hearing the victim’s screams for help. Once out on the street, she saw Jennifer stumble out of her house with a knife wound in her stomach while her fiance, Jared Remy, followed behind. Even before she could react, she said, he pushed his partner onto the pavement and began hitting her mercilessly.

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Kristina further mentioned that she tried her best to get Jared to stop, but he was so furious that he soon brandished a knife before stabbing Jennifer multiple times. He actually continued until she stopped moving. He then got up, brushed off his clothes, and walked into the house without a word to Kristina. At that time, she believed Jared might attack her next, but once he shut himself inside the home, she immediately called the police and rushed to her friend’s aid. Taking this statement into consideration, the police immediately knocked on Jared’s door and arrested him without incident.

When looking into Jared, the police learned his relationship with Jennifer had recently turned rocky. According to the episode, not only had he been accused of domestic abuse in a previous relationship, but he also grew toxic/resentful toward Jennifer after she gave birth to their child. He would reportedly often physically and verbally abuse her, driving her to begin fearing for her child’s safety. She had thus made up her mind to leave him — a decision she’d already informed Kristina of. Yet, he was having none of it as he soon showed up at the neighbor’s house and tried to physically harm Jennifer. That’s when Kristina jumped in, called the police, and had him arrested on domestic abuse charges. But alas, despite the fact Jennifer subsequently filed a restraining order against him, he managed to walk out of prison on a $40 bail, return home, and stab his fiance. It was evident he could be dangerous, but almost nothing was done to protect her.

Jared Remy is Incarcerated at MCI-Shirley

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When arrested, Jared immediately confessed to killing Jennifer Martel and claimed he did so in a fit of rage. Since the police had a confession as well as an eyewitness statement on their hands, the case seemed pretty strong, and Jared eventually agreed to a plea deal. According to the agreement, Jared pled guilty to first-degree murder in exchange for the prosecution taking the death penalty off the table. Hence, the judge sentenced him to life in prison without parole in 2013, and he remains behind bars at the MCI-Shirley in Shirley, Massachusetts.

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