Is Craig Dead? Did Jonathan Whittaker Leave Orphan Black: Echoes?

In the eighth episode of AMC’s science fiction series ‘Orphan Black: Echoes,’ Lucy seeks Craig’s help to locate PJ, her ex-girlfriend. The head of Settlement House has helped Lucy and Jules navigate their lives through the several predicaments that have arisen after they learn that they are clones. The protagonist’s efforts to unravel the mystery behind Paul Darros’ actions and safeguard her younger self lead her to Xander, the clone the tech billionaire created as the premature version of himself. The encounter ends with Lucy provoking the printout, who is trying his best to become his master, but only for Craig’s life to get threatened! SPOILERS AHEAD.

Craig Survives Xander’s Gunshot

When Jules escapes from Paul Darros’ kingdom, the tech billionaire undermines Xander and tells him that he may not be ready to play a vital role in his unrevealed master plan. His master’s words severely unsettle Xander, who wants to gain the appreciation and approval of his creator. To garner the same, he tracks Jules, as the latter sends a message to her adoptive brother, Wes, exposing her current location. When Darros’ younger self shows up at Jules’ place, Lucy and Craig arrive at the apartment and confront the man in front of them.

Lucy provokes Xander by showing him the stone-like security key Darros has kept in his place with utmost importance. When the young man sees the same, he realizes that his master lost the key because of him, which will only make the tech billionaire grow less fond of him. As the realization sinks in his mind, he gets provoked enough to take his gun out. After dealing with several life-threatening circumstances due to Darros, Lucy also takes her gun out just to be safe. However, her reaction scares Xander, and he fires his gun. Since he is not a well-trained gunslinger, Craig gets shot.

Even though Craig falls instantly, he does not get killed. The bullet hits his leg, which is not a vital organ for him to die. When Lucy insists on taking him to a hospital, the old man reveals that there is an arrest warrant in his name, which forces her to rely on her boyfriend, Jack. Even though the former army medic is not happy about helping the woman who stands him and his daughter, Charlie, up, the latter’s words convince him to save Craig’s life. Since he has received adequate medical intervention, the old man remains alive.

Jonathan Whittaker Has Not Exited From Orphan Black: Echoes

Jonathan Whittaker has not left ‘Orphan Black: Echoes.’ The actor does appear in the ninth episode of the show, titled ‘Attracting Awful Things.’ Since Jack’s intervention saves his life, we don’t need to worry about Whittaker leaving the science fiction drama. Craig’s near-death experience may appear to be a shock, especially since he is not a threat to Darros or Xander. However, the show’s writers must have decided to leave his life hanging by a thread to portray how unreliable and spontaneous clones are, specifically in the case of the tech billionaire’s younger self.

Darros creates Xander to gain immortality. He envisions that his younger self will always remain in the world to carry his mission forward, ensuring the presence of his creations and influence generation after generation. However, the young man does not even have the sense to read the room and recognize whether someone is a threat. The moment he sees Lucy’s gun, he gets provoked and pulls the trigger of his firearm, only to nearly kill someone. This recklessness may reach Darros as an imperfection and turn out to be a much-needed wake-up call for Xander.

Craig’s near-death experience also raises the stakes for Lucy ahead of the final showdown between the protagonist and Darros, the antagonist. Since escaping from Kira, Craig has been there for her, looking after her and her loved ones without expecting anything in return. He has walked into life-threatening predicaments because he values and cares for her. The realization that such a man nearly lost his life because of her may unsettle Lucy enough for her to seek vengeance against the tech billionaire. In the finale of the show, we may see Lucy’s efforts to bring down Darros and his empire.

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