Kathleen McLaughlin: Jared Fogle’s Ex-Wife Leads a Private Life Now

Image Credit: NBC News/YouTube

Investigation Discovery’s ‘Jared From Subway: Catching a Monster’ takes the viewer deep into the life of former Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle and follows the investigation that outed him as a child predator. Federal and state authorities began looking into Jared after receiving a tip about possible predatory behavior from journalist and radio host Rochelle Herman-Walrond.

However, Jared’s wife, Kathleen McLaughlin, insisted that she had no idea about her husband’s crime until the FBI knocked on their door. Nevertheless, with Jared pleading guilty to child pornography and child prostitution charges in 2015, readers are eager to find out where his wife is at present. Well, let’s take a look at the incident in detail and find out Kathleen McLaughlin’s current whereabouts, shall we?

Who Is Kathleen McLaughlin?

When Kathleen McLaughlin met Jared Fogle, she believed she had found her soulmate. It did not take long for the two to get together, and pretty soon, they were discussing marriage and a life ahead. Eventually, the couple married in 2010 and settled in Zionsville, Indiana, excited to start a new chapter. While their lives were pretty happy, Kathleen and Jared excitedly welcomed their first child, Brady Fogle, into this world in 2011. Just two years later, they became proud parents to their second child, Quinn Fogle, in 2013, and everything seemed perfect.

Image Credit: CBS Mornings/YouTube

When interviewed after Jared’s arrest, Kathleen mentioned that her husband appeared to be a good father, and there was never any indication of his predatory behavior. She even revealed that both the kids shared an excellent relationship with their father, and she never suspected that Jared was involved in such a heinous and disgraceful crime. Besides, she and Jared were quite content in their married life, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

However, Jared continued his predatory behavior behind Kathleen’s back, and she was forced to deal with the horrifying consequences when the FBI knocked on their door on July 7, 2015. The officers subsequently informed her that they had the warrant to search their house for any evidence related to child prostitution or child pornography, and Kathleen later mentioned that it felt like a bolt from the blue. Although she did not want to believe the accusations initially, the facts stared her in the face, and Kathleen felt betrayed by her husband.

Moreover, apart from fearing for her children’s safety, she felt utterly dumbfounded and had no idea what to do. In fact, when talking to several news outlets, Kathleen insisted she knew nothing about Jared’s actions and said, “He had two lives going on. You know, he was home with the kids and I in one life and he was out on the road in a different life, and he was able to keep those two very separate in a way that I couldn’t even fathom.”

Where Is Kathleen McLaughlin Now?

Kathleen was determined not to let Jared’s crimes ruin her and her children’s lives. Hence, about six weeks after the FBI raided their home, she filed for divorce from her husband and even fought for sole custody of their children. Moreover, knowing that some might accuse her of being complacent in her husband’s crimes, she talked about her divorce in a 2016 CBS interview and said, “I mean, how could anyone think that I would stay married to a man and have children with a man who was doing this? Of course I wouldn’t be there. Of course I wouldn’t stay with him. I did not know.”

Image Credit: CBS Mornings/YouTube

Eventually, in November 2015, Jared pled guilty to a count each of distribution and receipt of child pornography and traveling to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor. As a result, he was registered as a sex offender and sentenced to 15 years and eight months in prison. Additionally, the judge sentenced him to a lifetime of supervised release, and he was asked to pay $225,000 in fines and $1.4 million in restitution fees. While Jared’s actions left Kathleen enraged, she believed he was not solely responsible for the crimes.

Instead, Kathleen accused his company, Subway, of being aware of the crimes and filed a lawsuit against them in 2016 for ignoring complaints about Jared’s actions. However, a judge eventually dismissed the lawsuit in 2017. At present, Kathleen has embraced privacy and is raising her children as a single mother. Although she prefers to keep her personal life under wraps, she has built up a life surrounded by her loved ones and is battling not to let the past affect the future. Besides, from the looks of it, she currently resides in Indiana, and we wish her the best for the years ahead.

Read More: Rochelle Herman-Walrond: Where is the Whisteblower Now?