Directed by Jamie Roberts, ‘Vjeran Tomic: The Spider-Man of Paris’ recounts the remarkable tale of one of the most renowned burglars in history. Vjeran Tomic’s audacious heist involved not just one or two, but a total of five paintings stolen from the heavily secured Paris Museum of Modern Art in May 2010. The artworks he targeted were among the most valuable treasures within the museum, regarded not only as part of French cultural heritage but also esteemed throughout Europe.
Roughly a year and a half later, the police managed to apprehend Tomic. In a twist of fate, just a few days before his trial, he crossed paths with Korine Opiola, and their story began to unfold. If you’re eager to learn more about their journey and what life holds for them today, you’ve found the right place. Let’s embark on this exploration, shall we?
Who is Korine Opiola?
Born on December 12, 1963, Korine Opiola grew up in France. She obtained her high school education from Margueritte High School, Verdun and went on to study at Bévaux from 1978 to 1980. She has three children and has a passion for reading, cooking, music, arts, movies and travel. Korinemar is a well-traveled person and has been to many places in Europe such as Germany, Belgium, Spain, Ireland and Switzerland.
Tomic, who had been released on bail following his arrests and a few months before his trial, crossed paths with Opiola in a bar in Paris, situated across the street from l’Église de la Madeleine. At that time, she was engrossed in reading a magazine about UFOs. When Tomic approached her and asked if he could take a look at the magazine, Opiola perceived that his interest was genuine and not an attempt at flirting, sparking their initial connection. She said, “You felt like he was really present. I felt his authenticity.”
The bond between Tomic and Opiola began with a sincerity and honesty that drew them closer. They initially connected on Facebook and started conversing over the phone. During this time, Opiola had no inkling about Tomic’s true identity and history. It wasn’t until a day before his trial that Tomic decided to reveal his past to her. Opiola was taken aback to learn that he was the infamous “Spiderman” burglar who had been the center of a media frenzy.
Surprisingly, the revelation of Tomic’s criminal past didn’t alter Opiola’s perception of him. Her understanding and acceptance remained steadfast. Upon learning that Tomic had been sentenced to 8 years in prison, she was disheartened to realize the extent of time they would spend apart. To maintain their connection, Opiola began writing letters to him while he was in prison, and soon after, she initiated weekly visits. Tomic found solace in the fact that he had one person by his side who saw beyond the crimes he had committed and recognized the person he truly was.
Tomic confided in Opiola, sharing his belief that if he had experienced a different upbringing with better parents, he might never have become a thief. However, Opiola held a different perspective. She believed that there was more to his actions than just his upbringing. She thought that Tomic’s decision to take the paintings was triggered during his visit to the Musée de l’Orangerie, a pivotal moment that ignited his desire to possess valuable paintings. She explained that it was an unexplained compulsion for ownership that drove him down this path.
Where is Korine Opiola Now?
Korine Opiola, who also goes by the first name Corine, lives in Bievres and owns a studio in Paris, and it happens to be the same studio that Tomic envisions using for his drawing and sculpting endeavors once he’s released from prison. In 2022, during a parole visit, she made her way to the Detention Center Les Vignettes to pick him up. Their reunion was marked by warm hugs and affectionate kisses, and she was understandably excited to finally meet him in person after having developed a close connection during his time behind bars.
During their drive back, she took Tomic to the ocean, and he was filled with excitement at the breathtaking wonders of nature. The two eagerly await the day when Tomic will be released from incarceration, allowing them to spend more time together and explore the future they envision. Korine has always wanted to see different parts of the world such as South Africa, Peru, Russia, Latvia, and many other countries and they will be embarking on their journey soon.
Read More: Where is Vjeran Tomic Now?
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