The seventh season of CBS’ popular reality show ‘Survivor: Pearl Islands’ saw sixteen contestants participate in the high-octane 39-day challenge. Among the participants was Ohio’s native scoutmaster Lillian Morris, who stood out for her participating in the show in her uniform. While her fans were left sad when Lillian got eliminated early on in the show, they rejoiced on seeing her get another opportunity to return – as part of the Outcasts.
Fans and fellow contestants soon realized that the gutsy scoutmaster was one of the most formidable contestants of the season thanks to her scouting knowledge and experiences. Lillian was one of the few participants to get two shots at winning the title of ‘Survivor’ and the coveted $1 million cash prize. Though she couldn’t cross the final hurdle and was beaten to it by Sandra Diaz Twine, the ever-smiling Lillian managed to win quite a few hearts. With the show having ended quite some time ago, fans must be wondering where their favorite scoutmaster survivor is.
Lillian Morris’ Impressive Skills Led Her to the Finals
Lil, the Scout Troop Leader from Loveland, Ohio, made an instant impression by wearing her uniform during tasks. She was the oldest contestant on the show and the first to have appeared from Ohio. Her recognizable weakness in being able to perform in challenges made her an instant elimination target in her tribe, Morgan. However, despite being the third one to exit the competition, Lil received a massive benefit when she returned to the show along with six other previously eliminated contestants as part of The Outcasts.
The Morgan and Drake tribes had to compete against The Outcasts and defeat them to ensure none of the eliminated contestants got voted back in. However, that wasn’t meant to be as The Outcasts convincingly defeated the two tribes and voted for the return of Lillian and Burton. Upon getting voted back into the contest, Lillian managed to become an essential clog to the elimination of several members of her former tribe.
It was her status as a perennial swing voter that eventually enabled her to reach the Top Two of the season. However, it also led Lil to receive a lot of flak for her decisions surrounding the game in the final Tribal Council, with members pointing out how her acts showed conflicting ethics that contradicted her role as a Scout leader. This eventually led her to lose in the final with a 6-1 vote out against Sandra Diaz-Twine.
Where is Lillian Morris Now?
Since concluding her topsy-turvy journey on ‘Survivor’ the 71-year-old veteran Ohio scoutmaster of Troop 617 is enjoying a happy and fulfilling retired life with her husband, Lonnie of several decades, and their two adult children, Clayton and Megan. When she was first eliminated, she had informed in a conversation that she had to quit her job in customer service at an eyeglass company to enter the game. However, it isn’t clear whether she chose to go back to her former job after leaving the show as the runner-up.
As Lil chooses to maintain a low profile, there was a nasty rumor doing the rounds sometime back about her sudden demise. However, Lillian via a friend of hers informed to the delight of her fans that she was alive and well and that the death rumor was nothing but a rumor. Apart from being the special guest at the Dayton Warbirds Indoor Football game in 2005, Lil has chosen to stir clear of public life after ‘Survivor’ wrapped up. Despite having social media, the former scoutmaster hasn’t been active there in recent times. While we respect Lillian’s decision to stay away from the public eye after the wrap-up of the show and admire her active efforts at making an effort to keep her life private, we believe she’s living a happy life with her close ones and irrespective of whether the Ohio native ever intends on making a comeback, we wish her happiness in her life.
Read More: Darrah Johnson: Where is the Survivor 7 Contestant Now?
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