Skylar Neese’s parents, Dave and Mary Neese remain perplexed by the circumstances surrounding their daughter’s death. Their initial shock came when they discovered Skylar was missing from her room and began searching for her. The revelation that Skylar’s friends, Rachel Shoaf and Shelia Eddy, were responsible for her murder only deepened their confusion, leaving them unable to comprehend the motive behind the crime. In NBC’s ‘Dateline’ episode titled ‘Something Wicked,’ they explain how they struggle to find answers and continue to mourn the loss of their daughter and hope that no other family experiences a similar tragedy.
Who are Mary and Dave Neese?
Mary and Dave Neese welcomed their daughter, Skylar Neese, into their lives on February 10, 1996, marking a moment that forever altered their existence. Skylar embodied the epitome of an ideal child, excelling in her studies with commendable grades, while also possessing a loving, respectful, and remarkably humorous personality. Dave fondly reminisced about Skylar’s playful nature, often engaging in pranks that brought laughter and joy to their household.

Skylar consistently proved herself to be a source of comfort and joy for her parents, Mary and Dave. During Mary’s work hours, Dave cherished their special father-daughter moments, often spending time together, particularly bonding over bowling outings. However, on the morning of July 6, 2012, their routine was disrupted when Skylar was nowhere to be found in her room, and they noticed her bedroom window was unlocked. Initially attributing her absence to a late return from a night out, their concern escalated when Skylar failed to show up for work.
Despite their immediate efforts to report Skylar missing, law enforcement authorities opted to wait 48 hours before issuing an AMBER alert. Undeterred, Mary and Dave took proactive measures, distributing missing person flyers and disseminating news of Skylar’s disappearance across various platforms. Their relentless pursuit of answers finally yielded results in January 2013, when Skylar’s friend, Rachel Shoaf, confessed to her murder. Shoaf also implicated another close friend of Skylar’s, Shelia Eddy, revealing that they had conspired to kill her after initially promising to take her to a party. The motive behind the crime left Mary and Dave bewildered, struggling to comprehend the senselessness of such a betrayal from individuals Skylar considered friends.
Where Are Mary and Dave Now?
Following Rachel Shoaf’s admission of guilt in the murder of Skylar Neese, her parents, Dave and Mary Neese, experienced a measure of relief. Shoaf expressed remorse and sought forgiveness from the Neese family. However, during Shelia Eddy’s trial, her lack of remorse and dismissive attitude deeply hurt Skylar’s parents. Eddy asserted that while her actions may have been wrong, she did not view herself as a bad person. Mary and Dave perceived this response as indicative of Eddy’s cold-hearted nature and lack of empathy. In the years since Skylar’s death, Mary and Dave have been actively engaged in sharing Skylar’s story with various audiences, particularly in schools and prisons, as part of their ongoing efforts to honor her memory and advocate for justice.
They also rallied together and pushed for the passing of Skylar’s law in West Virginia which makes it mandatory for an Amber alert to be issued every time a child goes missing. Attending every hearing and court date related to Skylar’s case, they tirelessly advocate to prevent her killers from ever walking free. In anticipation of Rachel Shoaf’s parole hearing in 2023, Dave emphasized his opposition to her release, asserting that his daughter was not granted a second chance at life and therefore Shoaf should not be granted one either.
Dave expressed his gratitude for the individuals who transformed the site where Skylar’s remains were discovered into a memorial honoring her memory. He also acknowledged the support of those who signed the petition advocating to keep Rachel Shoaf in prison. Dave seizes every opportunity to share Skylar’s story, including his participation in the popular podcast ‘Three’ hosted by Justine Harman and Holly Millea in March 2024. Reflecting on his journey, he revealed that he harbored intense anger for approximately four years following Skylar’s death but has since begun to temper it and adopt a different approach.
Dave is presently employed at Menards, a home improvement company, and resides in Mount Morris, Pennsylvania, alongside Mary. He has revealed that Skylar’s death has deeply impacted numerous members of their family, and Mary, in particular, has experienced various health issues and is struggling with her well-being. The weight of losing their daughter continues to weigh heavily on them both. Dave remains steadfast in his dedication to keeping Skylar’s memory alive and keeping her killers behind bars at any cost.
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