‘One on One’ is a lighthearted sitcom that revolves around the story of a sportscaster, Flex Washington (Flex Alexander), who retires from the NBA due to a serious injury. The former basketball player lives a bachelor’s life in Baltimore. When his ex-wife Nicole (Tichina Arnold) takes up a job in Nova Scotia, his teenage daughter Breanna (Kyla Pratt) comes to live with him since she doesn’t want to go along with her mother. This entertaining series sees the transformation of Flex from an athlete-turned-sportscaster with a reputation as a ladies’ man to a full-time dad to Breanna. Nicole and Flex were high school sweethearts who became parents to Breanna at the age of 18.
They eventually get divorced when Flex decides to pursue his career in the NBA. As Breanna moves in with Flex, he struggles to be a responsible parent and a friend to Breanna. According to Flex Alexander and Robert Ri’chard (Arnaz), this aspect of the show really stands out as a Black father plays an active role in the life of his daughter- as most films and series in the early 2000s showed the father as an absent figure in the family in this particular community. Over five seasons, the show has amassed a strong fan following. Let’s discuss the locations where ‘One on One’ is filmed without much ado!
One on One Filming Locations
The first four seasons of ‘One on One’ were set in Baltimore, where Flex works at WYNX-TV as a sportscaster. The last season was set in California, where Breanna decided to attend college. Take a look at where the series has been shot!
Los Angeles, California
The first four seasons revolve around Flex’s house and Breanna’s school as they hilariously try to settle into each other’s lives. Most of it was shot at the Paramount Studios- 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, L.A., California. This studio is part of the “Big Five” film studios, and the only one out of them is still located in the city limits of Los Angeles.
The fifth season sees Breanna going to college in California with a greater emphasis on her life with her friends. Parts of this season were filmed at some of the beaches and the surrounding areas within Los Angeles. When the pilot was filmed, Kyla Pratt, who plays Breanna was only 12 years old, and by the time the show actually got picked up for production, she was 14. This answers why Breanna suddenly looks much older from the second episode onwards.
By the fifth season, when Breanna goes to college, the producers want to adapt the storyline to cater to a more grown-up audience, assuming that the people watching the show would have grown up along with the characters. Flex Alexander continues to appear as a guest star in the fifth season but is not happy about the direction the show is taking, so he ultimately decides to part ways.
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