Only a handful of anime in history has a big impact on pop culture as ‘One Piece.’ Based on a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda, the series debuted on October 20, 1999, and is currently airing its 20th season. It predominantly revolves around Monkey D. Luffy, a smart young boy who acquires the power of elasticity after eating a Devil Fruit. Later, he becomes the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates. Here is everything you need to know about the upcoming episode of ‘One Piece.’
One Piece Episode 960 Release Date
‘One Piece’ episode 960, titled ‘The Number-One Samurai in the Land of Wano! Here comes Kozuki Oden!,’ is set to release on January 31, 2021. The series is produced by Toei Animation Studio, which also created other well-known anime like ‘Dorohedoro’ and ‘Dragon Ball Z.’ Tatsuya Nagamine, Kōhei Kureta, and Aya Komaki are currently affiliated with the series as directors, and Shōji Yonemura is overseeing the scriptwriting. Kohei Tanaka and Shirō Hamaguchi provided the music.
Where to Watch One Piece English Dub Online?
Episodes of ‘One Piece’ is simulcast with original Japanese audio and English subtitles on AnimeLab (Australia and New Zealand), Crunchyroll, Funimation, and One Piece Official Channel. Funimation simulcasts the English dubbed version of the episodes. One Piece’ with English dubbing is also available on Hulu and Netflix.
Crunchyroll streams the Spanish subtitled version of the anime, whereas Netflix streams the Spanish dubbed version in certain South American countries. Italian, German, Russian, and Portuguese dubbed versions are available on Crunchyroll. German and Russian variations are also available on Wakanim. Episodes belonging to the Wano Arc can be streamed on Anime-on Demand. The French dubbed version can be watched on Anime Digital Network. Japanese fans can catch the show on Netflix Japan with original audio and Japanese subtitles.
One Piece Spoilers
The Red Scabbards have been plotting to avenge Oden’s death for two decades. In episode 959, the carefully crafted plan to punish Kaido and Orochi begins to fall apart as the Scabbards discover that all of their ships at Tokage Port have been destroyed by a raging tempest. They also realize that none of their allies, including the Straw Hat Pirates, are at the rendezvous point, much to their dismay.
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