One Piece E998: Where and When to Stream?

One of the longest-running shows of all time, ‘One Piece’ is an action-adventure anime that revolves around the search for the elusive titular treasure. The show follows a motivated young man named Monkey D. Luffy or Straw Hat Luffy who wants to become the King of the Pirates, his childhood idol and the captain of the Red-Haired Pirate Crew- Skanks. In order to embark on his perilous mission, he slowly recruits an eccentric group of strong warriors and forms a crew called Straw Hats Pirates.

Now, with their help, he begins to look for the titular treasure but later realizes that his journey is far more challenging than he could have ever imagined. The anime first premiered on October 20, 1999, and here’s everything you need to know about its upcoming episode.

One Piece Episode 998 Release Date

‘One Piece’ episode 998 titled ‘Zeus’ Treason?! The Cornered Nami!’ is all set to release on November 7, 2021. Toei Animation Studio has animated the series with Tatsuya Nagamine, Kōhei Kureta, and Aya Komaki, serving as the directors, and Shōji Yonemura, leading the writing staff. The music is composed by the collaborative efforts of Kohei Tanaka and Shirō Hamaguchi.

Where to Watch One Piece Episode 998 English Dub Online?

You can watch ‘One Piece’ on Funimation. The series is also accessible for streaming on Crunchyroll. In New Zealand and Australia, the latest episodes are accessible on Animelab. Fans who live in Scandinavian countries can stream the series on Wakanim. You can also watch the action-adventure anime on Netflix Japan, One Piece’s Official YouTube Channel, and Anime Digital Network.

One Piece Episode 998 Spoilers

In episode 997, while the Queen is busy wondering how the intruders could have made it this far, Zoro is murdering his enemies one by one. The fight is one-sided, and despite being outnumbered, he easily manages to kill his adversaries with one clean swing. While Eustass “Captain” Kid joins the brutal beatdown of his enemies, Queen learns about Zoro and Marco the Phoenix. Perospero is fighting Marco and a former Warlord, and although he tries to use the Candy Maiden against his adversaries. Sadly, his effort turns out to be inefficient as he misses his mark, and it hits Kaido’s men.

However, in an unexpected twist, it is revealed that Perospero has joined hands with Marco, and he had deliberately missed his mark. Now, the sudden turn of events puts Animal Kingdom Pirates under immense pressure. Meanwhile, Shinobu is on the verge of finally saving Momonosuke, and Kaido, with Akazaya Nine by his side, prepares to confront Luffy. In episode 998, Zoro, who has been very effective until now, will face a worthy opponent, and Luffy may have to fight against Kaido and Akazaya Nine.

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