‘Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce)’ is a Korean drama series that revolves around three colleagues, Pi-young, Si-eun, and Hye-ryung. Their life is upended when their seemingly happy marriages begin to crumble. In season 2, they go through an unexpected journey as their lives take new turns. As the second season draws to a close, you must be curious to know what happens in the season finale and what that means for the characters. We are happy to share with you all that we know, so here we go!
What Happens at the End of Love (ft. Marriage and Divorce) Season 2?
In the sixteenth and final episode of season 2, Ga-bin feels the pain of losing loved ones since her parents pass away. The death of her parents breaks her down, and she believes that she is being punished for her sins since she destroyed Hae-ryun and Si-eun’s marriage. Her romantic life looks more complicated than ever as her ex Seo Dong-ma is not willing to let go of her and even proposes marriage. Eventually, Ga-bin breaks up with Hae-ryun and tells him that her decision has nothing to do Dong-ma’s reappearance in her life.
Hae-ryun seems to regret his decision to divorce Si-eun, whereas Ga-bin is drowning in her guilt. She goes to see Si-eun and apologizes profusely, and the latter is shocked to see Ga-bin in such a vulnerable state. Si-eun and her daughter take Ga-bin into their house and look after her. They are surprised to learn that Ga-bin and Hae-ryun are no longer together. However, we know that Ga-bin decides to consider Dong-ma’s proposal of marriage seriously.
As we know, Hye-ryung’s press conference turned out to have disastrous consequences for Sa-hyeon and Song Won. The radio show host goes over to Sa-hyeon’s place and apologizes to his parents and to Song Won. She reassures Song Won that she wants to be a part of her life and even requests if she can be there for the latter’s baby shower. Inspired by a dream, Sa-hyeon asks Song Won if they can get married at the hospital after she gives birth to their baby. Song Won is happy with the idea and agrees.
Elsewhere, Pi-young and Yu-sin’s daughter Ji-a senses that something is different about her parents. Her mother is not as affectionate towards Yu-sin like she used to be. Yu-sin stays with his girlfriend A-mi and his step-mother Kim Dong-mi; the two women do not get along with each other at all. Even though Yu-sin is happy to spend time with Pi-young, his ex-wife makes it clear that they only have a cordial relationship for the sake of their daughter. But later Pi-young is compelled to take help from Yu-sin after facing some technical difficulties with her computer. They have a friendly chat and even go out for some drinks where Yu-sin gifts her necklace to mark the anniversary of their first date. The conversation is flowing smoothly between the former couple just when A-mi arrives to pick Yu-sin up. It turns out that Pi-young had called her up earlier.
Towards the end of the episode, Seo Ban has dinner with Pi-young, Si-eun, and Hye-ryung, as per their plan. It seems like Pi-young and Hye-ryung are both interested in Seo Ban. Elsewhere, Song Won goes into labor earlier than hoped. At this point, the storyline seems to flash forward to reveal the wedding days of three unexpected couples. They are Sa-hyeon and A-mi, Seo Ban and Song Won, and Pi-young and Dong-ma.
Does Ji-a Kill Dong-mi?
In the final moments of the second season, we see Ji-a at Yu-sin’s place, but something seems off as she refers to her father as “son.” This makes Yu-sin believe that his daughter might be imitating her grandfather, but things get weirder when the young girl calls Dong-mi by her name. However, Dong-mi realizes that Ji-a might be possessed by the spirit of her grandfather, Shin Gi-rim. Dong-mi is extremely terrified as Gi-rim seems to blame her for his death. Before anyone can do anything, Ji-a reaches for Dong-mi’s throat to choke her to death. As the episode ends at this point, it is hard to say for sure what fate has in store for Dong-mi.
The series leans heavily on melodrama, which even includes spirits possessing the living. So, it won’t be surprising for Dong-mi to continue featuring in the storyline even if she is killed by Ji-a. Among the many things the series has not explained so far, is the cause of Gi-rim’s unexpected death and what does it have to do with Dong-mi.
We know that Dong-mi sees glimpses of Gi-rim in Ji-a as his spirit angrily says, “You’re the reason I…” However, the sentence is left unfinished before Ji-a attacks Yu-sin’s stepmother. Therefore, if there is another season, we might learn what had happened between Dong-mi and Gi-rim. If Dong-mi survives the attack, will she come clean about everything or try to find another way to keep the truth buried? If Ji-a chokes her to death, then it is possible that Dong-mi’s spirit finds a way to deal with the unfinished business just like Gi-rim’s did. Unfortunately, the only way this can be clarified is if there is a season 3.
Read More: Love (ft Marriage and Divorce) Season 3: Everything We Know
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