Michael Lembeck’s romantic comedy film ‘Queen Bees’ mostly takes place in a retirement home named Pine Grove. After moving to the place temporarily, the protagonist Helen Wilson forms an endearing friendship with three women named Sally, Margot, and Janet. She also gets together with Dan Simpson, who joins the place around the same time as her. The stay at Pine Grove changes Helen’s life for good as she finds the love of the rest of her life and three friends who support her immensely. After living alone for a considerable while upon the death of her first husband, Pine Grove makes her start a new chapter of her life!
Pine Grove: Real or Fictional?
Pine Grove is a fictional retirement home conceived by screenwriter Donald Martin and director Michael Lembeck for the film. Having said that, a real retirement home stands in for the fictional one in the movie. The scenes set in Pine Grove were shot in Parc at Duluth, a retirement home located at Peachtree Industrial Boulevard in the city of Duluth in the state of Georgia. The retirement home promises the “highest levels of service and care” for its residents. The services the place offers include “elegant fine dining,” “state-of-the-art wellness programs,” and “vibrant lifestyles.”
The retirement home highly focuses on ensuring the “residents’ enjoyment, comfort, and quality-of-life.” The philosophy that drives the institution forward is “ladies and gentlemen serving ladies and gentlemen.” The residents can also choose from several fitness and wellness programs that cater to the “ability, skill, and personal fitness goals” of the residents. As seen in the film, the establishment has a theater-style media center, fitness and aerobics center, appealing grounds, and a beauty salon.
Ellen Burstyn, who plays Helen in the film, was impressed by the establishment while filming the romantic comedy. “You know, it was such a beautiful place. I must say, I didn’t really realize there were such beautiful retirement homes. People there are having a very good time. And there’s a lot of couples formed like there are in our film,” the actress told Fox 5. Ann-Margret, who plays Margot Clark, also had a remarkable time at the place. “I met some gentlemen that had seen me in Vietnam; I went to Vietnam in ’66 and ’68. You know, seeing them here in America, live… I loved it,” the actress said in the same interview.
Read More: Queen Bees: Is the Story of the Ellen Burstyn Movie True?