In 2017, Mexican police captured Raúl Julio Escobar Poblete, the leader of a kidnapping ring, along with his wife, Isabel Gomez Mazarro. The couple had been operating for many years, targeting wealthy individuals, holding them captive, and demanding substantial ransoms from their families. Shortly after the arrest, it was revealed that Poblete was a Chilean fugitive who had been active in a guerrilla group in the 1990s. The episode of NBC’s ‘Dateline’ titled ‘The Ranch’ details his criminal activities and the subsequent punishment he received.
Raúl Escobar Poblete Committed Many Crimes in Mexico
Born on October 17, 1963, in Santiago, Chile, Raúl Julio Escobar Poblete had a relatively normal childhood. His father, Mariano Escobar González, worked as a sports journalist, while his mother, Celia Poblete, was a teacher. However, when Poblete was just nine years old, his father passed away, leading to a more solitary upbringing. His elder brother, Manuel, was sent to live in the US, while Raúl Poblete remained in Villa Santa Elena in Macul, Chile. He studied at the renowned public institution, Liceo Lastarria, and spent much time hanging out with friends, including Marcela Mardones.
In 1987, Poblete joined the Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez (FPMR), also known as the Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front. There are various theories about what prompted his decision to join the group. One theory suggests that his paternal aunt, a member of the FPMR, was killed during the Albanian Operation, which influenced his decision. Another theory is that a member of the group influenced him. Regardless of the reason, Poblete became active within the FPMR, committing several crimes and earning the nickname “El Comandante Emilio.” In the 1990s, he was said to be allegedly involved in the murder of Jaime Guzmán, the leader of the Independent Democratic Union, and the kidnapping of Cristián Edwards, the son of a reputed news publisher.
Poblete Lived in Mexico Under a False Identity
By 1996, Raúl Julio Escobar Poblete had become the commander of the Flight of Justice operation, successfully freeing several of his accomplices from Santiago High-Security Prison with the aid of a helicopter. Despite police efforts to capture him, including a significant lead in 2002, he remained elusive for many years. In 2017, he was finally located in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, where he was living with his ex-wife and crime partner, Marcela Mardones, under the false identity of Ramón Guevara for several years. The duo had reportedly separated sometime in the early 2010s.
In Mexico, Poblete had been living under the guise of a real estate agent and was accompanied by Marcela and his two children, Carlos and Rebeca. He had even integrated himself into the local community by joining a football team, Generación 35, playing with them twice a week. Marcela Mardones, his ex-wife and crime partner, presented herself as the owner of an art gallery. Together, they built an untarnished reputation while secretly running a kidnapping ring that targeted wealthy individuals and demanded hefty ransoms.
One of their victims was Nancy Michelle Kendall, a French-American citizen. On May 30, 2017, Poblete attempted to deliver her severed finger to her family members, demanding a ransom of six million dollars. It was at this point that the Mexican police apprehended Poblete. He was taken to the Valle de Santiago prison in Guanajuato, where he was charged under his false identity with the aggravated kidnapping of Nancy Michelle Kendall. It was then discovered that Interpol wanted Poblete, who had been a fugitive in Chile.
Raúl Julio Escobar Poblete is Serving a Strict Sentence Today
The Chilean government began demanding Raúl Julio Escobar Poblete’s extradition soon after his true identity was revealed. Initially, the request was approved, but Poblete’s defense team appealed for his protection, arguing that he would face a potentially life-threatening punishment in Mexico. This appeal was granted. On June 19, 2019, Mexican authorities found Poblete guilty of aggravated kidnapping and sentenced him to 60 years in prison. Meanwhile, the Chilean government continued working to find a loophole to bring him back to face justice in Chile.
In September 2021, Poblete’s extradition to Chile was finalized, and he returned to his home country. He awaited trial for several months and was ultimately found guilty of participating in the 1992 killing of Jaime Guzmán on August 29, 2022. Poblete received an 18-year sentence, which he is currently serving in a Chilean prison. At 60 years old today, the details of his parole or expected release have not been made publicly available. Even after serving his sentence in Chile, he faces the remainder of his sentence in Mexico, which he will have to serve consecutively.
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