Sarah Turney: Where is Alissa Turney’s Sister Now?

Sarah Turney was only 12 years old when her sister vanished in May 2001. She felt as though her entire world had crumbled, and in the years that followed, things became increasingly complicated. In 2008, the police informed Sarah for the first time that they were investigating her father in connection with Alissa’s disappearance. She was unwilling to accept this and thought the police were attempting to frame him. Over the years, Sarah has learned more about her sister’s case and now believes there is more to it than she initially thought. In Oxygen’s ‘Family Secrets: The Disappearance of Alissa Turney,’ Sarah speaks out on behalf of her sister and shares what she has done to seek justice.

Sarah Turney Believed Her Sister Had Run Away From Home

Sarah Turney was born in 1991 to Barbara Farner and Michael Turney. As the youngest of six siblings, which included four older brothers and her older sister Alissa, she was often the most cherished. Sarah enjoyed a happy childhood and was particularly adored by Alissa. After Barbara passed away in 1993, Alissa took on the responsibility of caring for her sister and nurtured her with love and support. Although the two had their typical sibling squabbles, their bond remained strong. As they grew older, Sarah viewed Alissa as a rebellious teenager and believed it was necessary for Michael to impose strict rules on her.

Sarah didn’t think it was strange that there were cameras and audio recordings in the house; she believed Michael was simply looking out for his daughter like any concerned parent would. On May 17, 2001, when she returned home, her father informed her that Alissa had left after an argument. Sarah also discovered a letter from Alissa in their room stating her intention to leave. The day before, they had had a disagreement, and while Sarah had told Alissa to go away in anger, the reality of her words hit her hard, and she realized how much she would miss her sister.

Sarah recalled her father being frantic in his search for Alissa, stating that he even traveled all the way to California to distribute posters. He claimed to have received a phone call from Alissa on May 24, but Sarah never had the chance to speak to her sister. In 2008, when the police executed a search warrant at their home, they called Sarah to the station to inform her about the situation. They explained that multiple individuals had reported Michael allegedly abusing Alissa for years. Initially, she struggled to accept this information and believed the police were staging the scene to justify her father’s arrest.

Sarah’s Opinions About Her Father Changed After He Was Imprisoned

While Michael Turney was in prison, Sarah Turney frequently spoke with him and noted that his demands never seemed to end. She claimed he constantly asked her for money and legal support but never inquired about her life. During this time, she met one of Alissa Turney’s friends, who informed her that nearly everyone believed Michael was involved in Alissa’s disappearance. This was a pivotal moment for Sarah, prompting her to reflect on the home videos and speak with more people. Soon after, she became convinced that her father played a role in her sister’s disappearance.

Sarah felt compelled to take action for her sister and decided that documenting Alissa’s story was the best way to do it. Using her own equipment, she created the ‘Voices for Justice’ podcast to share Alissa’s narrative. To promote her efforts, she turned to TikTok, where she began sharing snippets of the story and quickly reached millions. Through her platform, she united a group of advocates seeking justice for Alissa, and together, they meticulously examined all available evidence. Their efforts also put pressure on the authorities, leading to hundreds of calls expressing suspicions about Michael Turney.

Sarah Turney is Using Her Podcast to Help Others Today

Sarah Turney expressed deep disappointment when Michael was acquitted in July 2023 due to insufficient evidence. She attempted to engage him in conversation to get answers but claimed he had been uncooperative. Her podcast has evolved into a platform that raises awareness about cases of other missing persons and criminal activities. She also created the ‘Media Pressure’ podcast, which gained significant traction in its first season, where she delved into the story of Maura Murray. She aims to help other families facing similar circumstances.

For Sarah, Alissa is present in every memory and special occasion of her life in Phoenix, Arizona.  She makes sure to celebrate the life her sister lived. She feels that her father manipulated her, and it wasn’t until she distanced herself from his influence that she could see the full picture. While her fight for justice has been long and challenging, she is committed to continuing her efforts and believes that the best way to honor her sister is to share her story with honesty and respect. She has the support of her siblings and her many nieces and nephews, who all love and celebrate the work that she does. Aside from her family and friends, Sarah’s dog, Marley — who turned 18 in October 2024, is her true confidante, and she feels truly blessed to have all that she does.

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