Shane Moore, a resident of southern Oregon, resided on his elderly mother’s property, where he took care of her. His shooting occurred on the same premises, leaving the entire community in disbelief. Shane was known as a responsible, law-abiding, and gentle individual with strong family connections. No one could imagine who would want to hurt a man like Shane until a history of truth started coming to the forefront. In NBC’s ‘Dateline: Killer Role,’ the investigation reveals the motives of those harboring grievances against Shane, leading to the decision to take his life.
How Did Shame Patrick Moore Die?
Shane Patrick Moore, born in New Jersey in 1953, grew up in a family of five siblings. A bright student, Shane pursued a legal career after completing his schooling and enrolled in law school in California. However, as time passed, he decided to follow a different path and opened his bookstore. In 2000, Shane’s parents retired and relocated to a 150-acre ranch in southern Oregon. To be closer to them, Shane took up residence in a small cottage on the property. His younger sister, Kelly Moore, who had gone through a divorce, also moved into a nearby house on the same property.
In 2015, Shane and Kelly’s father passed away, leaving Shane as the main caregiver for their 87-year-old mother. On July 26, 2016, the Jackson County police received a call from a notary, Carla Tryber, who was at Shane’s mother’s house, reporting that Shane had been shot. Upon arrival, the police discovered Shane near the entrance of his mother’s house with a fatal gunshot wound to his chest. The coroner’s report confirmed that the gunshot wound was the cause of his death.
Who Killed Shane Patrick Moore?
Carla Tryber, the notary present at the house during the murder, informed the police that Aisling Tucker Moore-Reed, Shane Moore’s niece, was the one who shot and killed her uncle. Interviews with all involved parties provided a timeline for the police investigation. It was revealed that Carla received a call from Shane, asking her to come to the residence to have a quick claim deed signed by his mother, intending to split the property 50/50 between him and his sister, Kelly Moore (Tucker’s mother). However, upon Carla’s arrival, she found Kelly, Tucker, and Shane’s mother inside the house, with Kelly expressing anger. Kelly grabbed the papers, realizing it was a claim deed and not a will, and proceeded to tear it up.
Shane observed the events from outside, and upon witnessing his sister tearing up the paper, he approached the door. However, Kelly and Tucker prevented him from entering. In Kelly’s statement, she alleged that Shane was attempting to force his way into the house. In Tucker’s account, she claimed that seeing Shane becoming aggressive with her mother prompted her to grab a gun, possibly belonging to her grandfather. She said that Shane had been violent before, which is what had prompted her to get a restraining order against him in 2015 and she thought it would be best to scare him again. Lacking knowledge of how to handle the firearm, she attempted to cock it, accidentally causing it to discharge and fatally shoot her uncle.
Tucker faced charges of manslaughter, and her bail was set at $200,000. The following morning, she posted 10% of the required bail and regained her freedom. Despite the charges, Tucker continued with her life, even participating in an independent horror film called ‘From The Dark,’ portraying a killer who shoots someone in self-defense. However, mirroring the movie’s plot, the reality unveiled discrepancies in the explanations provided by Tucker and her mother.
Tucker’s narrative faced scrutiny when it was revealed that she had claimed to have tested the gun by firing it outside on the morning of the shooting. However, the police discovered that only one shot had been fired, indicating that the gun had been reloaded after testing and there was premeditation of the shooting. Additionally, conversations with Shane’s mother and siblings painted a different picture of Shane’s character, with none of them mentioning any history of violence or aggression. On the contrary, Shane’s roommate conveyed Shane’s concerns about his safety from Kelly and Tucker, while his siblings attested to Kelly and Tucker’s volatile temperaments.
The most damning evidence against Tucker came in the form of a video obtained by her defense attorney. Initially believed to support Tucker’s self-defense claims, the video revealed a different story. As captured in the footage, Shane calmly approached the door while Kelly, Tucker, and his mother were engaged in conversation with the notary. In a matter of seconds, Tucker is heard screaming at Shane to leave and subsequently fires the gun at him. In 2018, the police elevated the charges against Tucker to murder. In May 2020, Tucker entered into a plea deal, admitting guilt for second-degree manslaughter in exchange for the dismissal of charges for first-degree manslaughter and second-degree murder. She received a prison sentence of 75 months.
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