As the name suggests, Netflix’s ‘MerPeople’ is an interesting documentary on the lives of professional Merpeople. Unlike what the general consensus believes, professional mermaiding is an extremely difficult performance art that requires hours of practice, exquisite swimming and underwater skills, charisma, charm, and thousands of dollars of equipment. The docu-series takes us through the lives of a few notable individuals from the mermaid community and portrays how they have turned their passion into a way of life.
One of the interesting cast members we get to know is The Blixunami, a non-binary person who prefers to be known as a Merm. While on the show, The Blixnami mentioned how they love playing with mermaid dolls and even have characters complete with likes, dislikes, and feelings. In fact, their social media heavily feature the mermaid dolls, making viewers eager to know where The Blixunami is at present. Well, fret not because we come bearing answers!
Who Is The Blixunami?
A native of South Carolina, The Blixunami, claimed they were a mermaid even while in their mother’s womb. They developed a fascination for the mystical creatures from a very young age, and even though the general public believes a mermaid should adhere to a specific physical description, the Blixunami insists that they see no reason why anyone and everyone cannot be a part of the community. In fact, during an interview with Netflix, The Blixunami mentioned that they wanted to be an inspiration for others and said, “One of the biggest misconceptions is that mermaiding is only for girls, or that it’s only for women or gay men. That’s not true. I want people to see my story and be like, ‘If they’re doing it, I can too.”
While on the show, friends and acquaintances of The Blixunami described them as an “incredible force of nature who’s become an inspiration in the community.” Moreover, apart from advocating for an all-inclusive and anti-discriminating mermaiding community, The Blixunami mentioned that they loved representing Black queer mermaids in the community and spreading positive energy among everyone else. Interestingly, apart from living a 24×7 life as a mermaid, The Blixunami is also obsessed with mermaid-themed dolls and owns several of them. Each of their dolls has a proper name and a personality attached to it. Moreover, The Blixunami often creates stories and scenarios around the dolls, which gave gained massive popularity on their social media.
On the other hand, The Blixunami also loves attending pageants and was pretty excited when they got to know of the King and Queen of the Sea Pageant, which was co-directed by Mermaid Soluna. They even put their best foot forward in the competition, and apart from being chosen as the Mermaid King of South Carolina, The Blixunami also made their way into the top ten. However, it would be an understatement to describe their positivity as infectious, and it was heartwarming to witness how The Blixunami would hype the other contestants in their own unique way.
The Blixunami is Running a Successful YouTube Channel Today
Although The Blixunami is originally from South Carolina, they currently reside in the Bronx, New York City, and focus full-time on their lifestyle as a mermaid. Moreover, while The Blixunami describes themselves as a Mermaid Doll Influencer on social media, they have more than 8000 followers on Instagram, where they feature their dolls, artworks, and mermaid performances.
Interestingly, during a Netflix interview, The Blixunami described their lifestyle as a job and said, “This is 24/7, 365 for me. This is all day, every day. It’s like I breathe, sleep, and eat.” However, the Merm has also been involved in other side gigs, as they run a successful YouTube Channel and have worked as a book cover designer. Additionally, we are delighted to report that the music video for The Blixunami’s new single, ‘Splish Splash on ’Em.,’ is doing quite well on the internet. While we are confident that The Blixunami’s success is a result of their incredible hard work, we hope happiness will never elude them in the near future.
Read More: Brittany Sparkles: Where is Mermaid Sparkles Now?
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