Created by Michał Marczak and Jan Holoubek, ‘The Mire’ or ‘Rojst’ is a Polish crime series that revolves around a small town plagued by corruption and dark secrets. In the 1980s, we follow two journalists, Zarzycki and Witek, who unravel a complex web of deceit and crime while investigating a series of mysterious deaths. As they dig deeper, they uncover unsettling truths and shadowy figures intent on burying their secrets. Amidst heinous occurrences and personal conflicts, the investigators must navigate treacherous mires to expose the sinister forces at play.
Fueled by suspense and intrigue, ‘The Mire’ is set against the backdrop of a morally ambiguous society, further accentuated by a dark setting of haunting forests, dreary swamps, and grim towns. With the journalists traversing such murky environments, some may be inclined to investigate the shooting locations of the Netflix series.
The Mire Filming Locations
‘The Mire’ is filmed in various regions around Poland. The series was green-lit in March of 2019, and the final episode of the third season completed principal photography on March 18, 2023. Sharing his thoughts through a post on social media, Jan Holoubek appreciated the life-changing journey of shooting the show over five years. Proud of what they had built, the creative felt as though everyone who worked on the series did so with the enthusiasm of a fan. Let us venture to the filming destinations seen in the Netflix crime drama.
Wałbrzych, Poland
With its rich history and picturesque landscapes, the city of Wałbrzych serves as a compelling backdrop for ‘The Mire.’ Located in southwestern Poland, its historic architecture and industrial structures add grit and depth to the show’s settings which simulate the 1980’s. From dilapidated factories to lush forests, Wałbrzych provided a diverse range of locations that enhanced its atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. Nestled in the Lower Silesian region of Poland, the city is known for landmarks such as the Książ Castle and scenic landscapes adorned by the Sudeten Mountains.
Katowice, Poland
The production team utilizes the eclectic locales around the metropolitan area of Katowice. Zadole, a district within the city of Katowice in southern Poland, offers a gritty urban backdrop for ‘The Mire.’ Its industrial landscapes, characterized by abandoned factories and warehouses, provide a stark contrast to the more affluent areas of the city. The raw, unfiltered atmosphere of Zadole adds authenticity to the portrayal of the socio-economic struggles depicted in the series. Despite its urban decay, Zadole boasts pockets of greenery and recreational areas, offering a glimpse of hope amidst the desolation.
Racibórz, Poland
Situated in the historic region of Upper Silesia, Racibórz serves as a picturesque filming location for ‘The Mire.’ Its well-preserved medieval architecture and cobblestone streets provide a thrilling backdrop for the series, transporting us back in time to the 1980s. The town’s rich cultural heritage, evident in its churches and market squares, reflects the traditions and values of the era. Additionally, Racibórz’s location along the Oder River offered scenic vistas that enhanced the visual storytelling of the series.
Zabrze, Poland
A town in the Slaskie region, Zabrze offers a blend of urban and rural landscapes that enrich the depicted settings of the series. Its industrial heritage and vibrant cultural scene lend authenticity to the show’s portrayal of small-town life, while its natural surroundings offer a base for the darker elements of the narrative. The town’s coal mines and steel mills are remnants of its industrial past, enhancing the antiquated appeal of the show. Zabrze’s working-class neighborhoods and bustling city center are reminiscent of an older time in Poland. Additionally, Zabrze’s proximity to other major cities in the region, such as Katowice and Gliwice, makes it an accessible filming destination for the showrunners.
Read More: Is The Mire a True Story?