‘Fumetsu no Anata e’ or ‘To Your Eternity’ is a fantasy adventure anime based on Yoshitoki Ouima’s Japanese manga series of the same name. The show follows a nameless Orb capable of shapeshifting that slowly gains consciousness as it turns from non-living beings to humans over time all the while observing everything on Earth. It slowly understands the complicated dynamics of human relationships and also gains awareness of the emotional baggage that comes with death and separation. First released on April 12, 2021, the anime recounts a story of loss, heartbreak, love, and self-discovery that has moved millions of viewers around the world.
Will There Be a To Your Eternity Season 3?
‘To Your Eternity’ season 2 released on October 23, 2022, and concluded its long run a few months later on March 12, 2023. The anime comprises twenty episodes each with a runtime of about 25 minutes. Directed by Kiyoko Sayama, the show features talented voice actors like Reiji Kawashima, Aya Uchida, Koyashu Takehito, Manaka Iwami, and Taku Yashiro.
As far as the third season of the series is concerned, we have a piece of good news for the fans. Just after the premiere of the season 2 finale, the anime was officially renewed for its third installment. This should not come as a surprise since the series is yet to adapt several volumes of Yoshitoki Ouima’s Japanese manga. The high ratings and positive reviews had almost guaranteed the show’s return well before the official confirmation was made.
#BREAKING: To Your Eternity Season 3 Anime Officially in the Works
✨MORE: https://t.co/r8jVEWJrhc pic.twitter.com/0WnLJ3jrmn
— Crunchyroll (@Crunchyroll) March 12, 2023
Furthermore, the anime has also been featured in Crunchyroll’s Top 10 Popular Anime list on several instances throughout its five-month long run. The first two installments have been 20 episodes long and it is highly likely that the upcoming season will also release as a split-cour as well. The show is expected to focus on the Modern City arc in its third installment. Assuming that there are no unforeseen delays, ‘Fumetsu no Anata e’ or ‘To Your Eternity’ season 3 will premiere sometime in late 2024.
To Your Eternity Season 3: What it Can Be About?
As mentioned above, ‘To Your Eternity’ season 3 is all set to focus on the Modern City arc of Yoshitoki Ouima’s Japanese manga series in the upcoming season. After putting his own life on the line to defend Renril City from the Nokker attack, Fushi will fall asleep for 600 years. In the meantime, human society will evolve and end up becoming technologically advanced. Since Fushi will feel that he no longer needs to fight as the new world promises peace, he voluntarily lets go of his connection to the roots, hoping to never use it as a weapon ever again.
In order to lead a more meaningful life, Fushi will also revive Gugu, March, Bon, and Tonari. However, he is completely clueless about the fact that the Nokkers have now developed a parasitic relationship with human beings. To make matters worse, a 12-year-old boy named Satoru meets Fushi and turns his life around in complex ways.
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