The first episode of ‘Shark Tank’ aired on ABC on August 9, 2009. Since then, the business reality television series has provided a vast platform for budding entrepreneurs. Often individuals with entrepreneurial aspirations are held back due to financial obstructions. In ‘Shark Tank’, such individuals find a massive opportunity to attract one of the five investors or “sharks” who comprise the panel receiving the business pitches.
Based on the presentations given by the entrepreneurs on their company or product, the business magnates then decide whether the idea is worth investing in or not. The twelfth season of this show commenced on October 16, 2020. One of the many exciting pitches is Click & Carry. Let’s see how the business has progressed till now!
Click & Carry: Who Are They and What Do They Do?
Click & Carry, a “utilitarian gadget” first developed by Kimberly Meckwood, was initially aimed at helping shoppers lift multiple bags comfortably. The product is a handling device and can allow the hands-free carrying of heavy luggage by propping it over the shoulder. Kim, a self-taught entrepreneur hailing from Scranton, Pennsylvania, came up with the idea of this handling device when she was living in an upstairs apartment in Brentwood, California.
She found herself in repeated and immense struggles to carry grocery shopping bags all the way from her car to her apartment door. She would often have to rely on her boyfriend for additional help. After they split, Kim found herself in a rather tough spot, and from that adversity, she birthed the Click & Carry. Kim’s entrepreneurial career has been nourished by several experiences, including her product being on QVC for a substantial amount of time before it hit the more conventional and popular stores such as Amazon and Amazon Prime.
Initially, Kim suffered a series of financial setbacks, that led her to find prospects in a competition known as ‘5 Minute Pitch’, which she eventually went on to win. In her pitch, Kim brought up the many attractive qualities and wide range of applications for the Click & Carry. She also mentioned that she has two utility patents pertaining to the product to her name, which will be valid for many more years to come. Kim has insisted constantly that the product is not just useful for carrying groceries but also has utility in many other activities such as carrying painting supplies, walking multiple dogs at once, or the hands-free lifting of other heavy materials.
Click & Carry: Where Are They Now?
The Click & Carry has garnered sufficient traction and hence, success among the target customers since the primary stages of the business itself. Kimberly was able to sell over 300,000 units before she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which led her to halt her business operations. Resolving her medical bills required Kimberly to invest a significant portion of her profits from Click & Carry sales. Winning $50,000 at ‘5 Minute Pitch’ helped her restore her business.
Kim has successfully expanded her business into international markets, and her products are now available at select stores in England and Japan. She is also presently working on a design patent for her product. Click & Carry has been working with Canine Companion by regularly donating to its purpose. The organization helps improve the standard of life for people with disabilities by providing them with highly trained assistance dogs free of charge. These trained dogs have been taught how to use the Click & Carry handles.
Kim holds the record for the most number of attempts to get a feature on ‘Shark Tank.’ In one of her Instagram posts, she said that it was her persistence that paid off, and she finally gained an opportunity to star in one of the biggest business reality platforms. Recently, Kimberly’s Click & carry was included in the Redbook Magazine list of “The Best Stocking Stuffers from Amazon under $20.”
Read More: Update on ODR Skis From Shark Tank
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