In the early hours of February 6, 2012, Jason Witt made a frantic phone call to 911, explaining the attack on him at his own house and describing the severe injuries he had suffered. Entering through the unlocked front door, the police arrived and found Jason in the bathroom in a state of terror. The episode titled ‘Serial Spouse’ of ‘Who the (Bleep) Did I Marry’ chronicles all the events that led Jason Witt to experience the horrifying incident and the police investigation that followed to bring the culprit to justice.
What Happened to Jason Witt?
A Connecticut native, Jason Witt, graduated from the University of Texas at Austin and worked in the Information Technology (IT) field. Aged 39 at the time of the deadly attack, Jason had a reputation for being a nice guy who was kind to people around him. In August 2005, Jason struck a strong connection with a woman named Andria Stanley, who was a single mother to an elementary-school-age daughter, on an online service and they started dating. After getting to know each other for a couple of years, the pair decided to take the next step in their relationship and happily tie the know in 2007.
Jason and Andria got settled in Austin after their marriage and gave birth to their first son later the same year. Two years later, despite welcoming their second son into the world, the married couple felt their marriage deteriorate. Things got worse when Andria started claiming on social media that Jason physically and emotionally abused her and her daughter. After several arguments between the two, Jason filed for divorce in September 2009. After having his kids taken from him by her when she moved to the town of Elkhart, he found out that Andria lied to him about many things, including her being raped during her teenage years and her father being physically abusive towards her.
From September 2009 to January 2012, Jason was subjected to a lot of questioning by CPS investigators and police officers as Andria alleged that he abused her and the children, burglarized her house, and planted recording devices in the house, initiating six investigations with Child Protective Services (CPS) and three with police. Although he proved his innocence for each of her claims, all the interviews were very stressful for him.
In the midst of the custody battle, Jason was denied a reasonable amount of time with his children by Andria, something which made the court inclined towards deciding in his favor. On the night of February 5, 2012, about a week before the date when the court was to pass the final verdict on the custody of the children, Jason allegedly came home intoxicated after a party and went to bed, keeping his front door unlocked by accident.
Around 2:39 am, Jason claimed that he was aroused by the sound of someone’s footsteps in his bedroom, and the next moment, he got attacked across the front of his head. When he managed to turn on the bedside lamp, he found out that the attacker was Adrian and now she stood pointing a revolver towards him. According to Jason, besides hitting him with a wooden club, she also bound him with zip ties and wrapped his head in shrink wrap.
Somehow, Jason managed to fight back, and during the struggle for the revolver, he got shot point-blank in the face with the bullet entering his lower left jaw and exiting his neck, leaving him alive. After all that, he allegedly still managed to get hold of the gun and pushed Andria out of his bedroom. Failing to get out of the window, he locked himself inside the bathroom and called 911 around 3:40 am in the morning. When the police finally arrived at the scene, they found Jason bleeding and there was no sign of Andria anywhere in and around the property.
Andria Stanley Remains Imprisoned
When Andria Stanley was presented before the court during the trial, she and her defense attorney maintained her innocence, saying that Jason was building a cover story for his wrong deeds. However, due to her prior offenses that go back to 2004, including family violence assaults, harassment, and making false allegations, the jury believed otherwise and convicted her on four felony charges for the attempt to murder case of Jason Witt.
About a week after the conviction and over a year after the terrifying incident, in May 2013, Andria was sentenced to 50 years in prison. Currently, she is serving her sentence in Mountain View Unit at 2305 Ransom Road in Gatesville, Texas. While her sentence is projected to terminate in February 2062, she will be eligible for parole release in February 2037.
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