Prime Video’s ‘The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart’ follows the tumultuous life of the titular character. After surviving a heartbreaking tragedy, Alice is taken in by her grandmother, June, whom she’d never met. At June’s place, Alice gets a new lease on life. She develops a love for nature, especially flowers, and learns the language created around them by her grandmother and several other women who have come and gone from the farm. However, Alice also discovers that being with her grandmother means being manipulated by her.
Life takes a lot of twists and turns for Alice, especially after she runs away from her grandmother’s place to start a life on her own. In her journey, she has to revisit her past, which brings her closer to understanding her mother, whom she lost long ago. The setting of the story plays an integral role in Alice’s journey. If you want to know more about where and when the Prime Video series is set, here’s what you need to know. SPOILERS AHEAD
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart is Set in Australia
‘The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart’ is set in Australia. We first meet Alice in the middle of nowhere, where she lives with her parents, Agnes and Clem. Their house is a few miles away from the Wyuna Village. While Clem makes the trips to the town to get supplies and other things, Agnes and Alice rarely go there. One day, Alice goes out on her own and ends up in the village, where she meets the librarian, Sally.
When Agnes and Clem die, Alice is taken under her grandmother’s wing, June. She lives at Thornfield, a farm that is also isolated from the rest of the world. It is a vast property run by June, where she grows flowers, among other things. The main purpose of Thornfield is to provide a haven to women, especially the ones trying to escape their abusive partners. June tries to keep Thornfield’s location a secret from others so that the women there can feel safe.
Years later, when Alice leaves Thornfield, she drives around the country and ends up at a place called Agnes Bluff. She is drawn to it because of its name. Like Thornfield, this is a fictional place created to serve the purpose of the story. Alice settles down in Agnes, especially when she gets a job at the Tukurta National Park. She lives around the area with Dylan, whom she falls in love with. Eventually, her story circles back, and Alice finds herself back at Thornfield.
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart Takes Place in the Late 2000s
‘The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart’ begins sometime in the late 2000s. This is when Clem and Agnes are still alive and have a baby on the way. They die in a tragic fire, and Alice is taken in by June. She spends the next fourteen years at Thornfield, where she learns everything about plants, especially flowers. Fourteen years at Thornfield also take their toll when Alice discovers that her grandmother has been piling up secrets and manipulating her life.
Following the storyline of an adult Alice, we can say that it takes place sometime in or around 2023. Several factors in the show, especially smartphones, give that away. The current timeline explores Alice’s life outside of Thornfield, where she tries to be her own person, away from the secrets and manipulations of her grandmother. She spends a few months at Agnes Bluff, working at the National Park. However, things don’t remain as blissful as she wanted with Dylan.
Apart from Alice’s story, the show also goes into flashbacks to give us an insight into her parent’s past. Given that it takes place more than a decade before the fire, these events happen sometime in the late 1990s. This is when Agnes arrives at Thornfield for the first time, and June is already worried about Clem’s actions and the future of her estate. The flashbacks also take us further into the past, sharing a glimpse of June’s younger years. These time jumps allow us a deeper look into the stories of the women in ‘The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart.’
Read More: Are Agnes and Clem Brother and Sister?
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