‘The Big Day’ is a three-part docuseries on Netflix chronicling the big, fat, glitzy wedding celebrations of six Indian couples. The first episode follows the royal-style nuptials of Aman Kapur and Divya Khandelwal. Hailing from Jaipur, India, Aman and Divya dated for 12 years (she insists it’s 11 because they were broken up for a year) before they tied the knot in a beautiful wedding designed by Devika Narain. The entire wedding, held at the Alila Fort in Bishangarh, Jaipur, in 2019, was a locally sourced and sustainably grand affair. Curious to know more about the young couple and where they are today? Here’s what we know.
Who Are Aman and Divya?
Aman Kapur is the younger son of Atul and Smriti Kapur. Aman’s father, Atul, is the part-owner of Bishangarh Fort, where the wedding took place. Aman is a software engineer from the University of Illinois at Urbana. He has worked and lived in New York and Mumbai in the past but has always called Jaipur home. Aman and Divya both grew up in Jaipur, and the Rajasthani culture was reflected in every aspect of their wedding ceremony.
Divya Khandelwal, the daughter of Reena and Sanjay, is a graduate of Columbia Business School. Divya has also studied Business Administration at Parsons School of Design in New York. She is an environmentally conscious, detail-oriented individual who loves things that are “bespoke.” Luxury wedding designer Devika Narain and her incredibly skilled team worked day in and day out to bring Aman and Divya’s dream wedding to life. Even the furniture and linens (along with the decor) was customized to suit Divya’s tastes and showcased the couple’s Jaipur heritage.
Where Are Aman and Divya Now?
Both Aman and Divya seem to be very private people who are not interested in cashing in the success of their reality TV stardom since both their Instagram accounts are set to private, and neither is very active on Facebook. While we know that Divya currently works as a brand strategist at Handicraft Haveli (an ethnic handicraft store in Jaipur), we cannot say for certain if Aman works in his family business or has an independent job somewhere. All we know for sure is that Aman and Divya are happily married, living together in the vibrant city of Jaipur.
Read More: Where Are Nikhita and Mukund Now?
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