NBC’s ‘Dateline: The House’ is an episode that delves into the homicide of retired FBI agent Scott Alan Horn, along with its investigations and brutal aftermath. On the evening of March 16, 2017, his body was recovered from under a tarp and some firewood outside the shed of his Laurel home. The 62-year-old had been shot and bludgeoned to death, only for the identity of his perpetrator(s) to be a mystery still. It was his daughter who raised the alarms after not hearing from him that day. The recollections of the day have stayed with her till the present day, and she shared her ordeal in the episode.
Scott Horn’s Daughter Grew Suspicious When He Did Not Call Her
Despite serving in the FBI for 23 years and having a marriage that turned acrimonious towards the end, Scott Horn was a very hands-on father with his two children: a daughter (Kelly) and a son. No matter what, he always followed a schedule and kept up communication with his kids in the same way. In fact, in 2017, since Kelly had turned 18 and moved out of home, he started each morning with a phone call to wake her up. Scott would ask if she was awake and then call again almost five minutes later to ensure she was. He was not just Kelly’s alarm clock but also her snooze alarm.
Thus, when there was nothing but silence from him on March 16, 2017, his daughter became worried. She texted, called, and texted Scott again with an “I hope you’re okay” message, but there was no response. That’s when she called his next-door neighbors, heard that they had not seen him that day either, and requested for a welfare check by the local police. This absolute quietness and Scott not sticking to his set routine was so uncharacteristic that she knew something had to be wrong. His body was then discovered, giving rise to several speculations, none of which panned out.
Where is Scott Horn’s Daughter Now?
Scott Horn’s demise was an unexpected and untimely shock for his entire family, especially his children. Yet, they cooperated with the investigations and legal proceedings as much as possible. Even when Anne Reed Allen, their mother, and Scott’s estranged wife, was apprehended in connection to the case, they were ready to testify for the state. She allegedly tried to hinder them by relaying messages via a third party, but it doesn’t seem like it worked as court records do list the two adult Horn children as witnesses. Though, Anne was eventually acquitted of the murder charges against her.
Today, Scott’s son and daughter prefer to lead their lives away from the spotlight. From what we can tell, they’re still dealing with the grief of losing their father and want justice to be served. However, because they can’t really do anything about it right now, they are also trying to move on while keeping Scott’s memories alive in their hearts. We don’t know much about his son, but we know that Kelly is still based in Laurel, Maryland, where she spent several years in the service industry.
She started working as a veterinary technician at Hufford Animal Hospital in 2020 and since 2022 she has been working at Spay Now as a surgical technician. A graduate of Prince George’s Community College, she has specialized in spaying and neutering surgeries and also performs C-sections. She has shown great resilience in whatever she has gone through and is picking up the pieces of her life.
Read More: Scott Horn’s Murder: How Did He Die? Who Killed Him?
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