When Bill Hall Jr. was killed after a bike accident in Texas, the authorities rushed to figure out what happened. A tale of tangled personal relationships eventually ended with Bill’s wife, Frances, and his mistress, Bonnie Contreras, at the center of it all. NBC News’ ‘Dateline: Collision’ focuses on the wildly differing stories from the two women in Bill’s life regarding what happened that fateful day. Bonnie was featured on the show and provided her version of the events.
Who is Bonnie Contreras?
Bill and Bonnie were married for decades when Bonnie Contreras came into the picture. Sometime in 2010, the young former exotic dancer met Bill at a spinach festival, and the two soon hit it off. Bonnie said, “I loved this man with everything I have. I still do. I wanted to have a family with him. My plans were to get married, to have a home, and to live the rest of my life with this man.” That seemed to be the case, at least at the beginning. Bill paid her rent, bought her two cars, and even paid for her cosmetic surgery. But by September 2013, it seemed like Bill had begun losing interest and ignored her.
At that point, Bonnie threatened to tell Frances about the affair and even called the family home. The two women continued texting each other, and Bonnie said, “I was just defending myself. And never once did I threaten her. I never once threatened that woman.” The night before the incident, Bill spent the night at Bonnie’s. She claimed they planned to pick up his motorcycle from a storage facility the following day. On October 10, 2013, they were on the road, with Bill on the bike and Bonnie following behind in a car. In a twist of fate, Frances was heading home on the same road and noticed them.
Frances then decided to confront Bonnie. Bonnie claimed that Frances pulled up behind her and kept ramming into her, leading her to swerve onto oncoming traffic. According to Bonnie, Bill ended up between the two cars at some point. She then claimed that Frances hit Bill and continued to pursue her as he fell off the road. While neither of them called 911, Bonnie stated that she took a U-turn, with Frances relentlessly following her until they stopped where Bill’s accident happened. Frances, though, had an entirely different story regarding the events of that day.
Bonnie Contreras is Running a Health Spa in San Antonio
Bonnie testified at Frances’ trial in 2016, but the prosecution had conceded that the evidence didn’t back up her statements. In the end, Frances was convicted of murder and assault but received the lightest possible sentence. Eventually, Bonnie said, “If I had the chance to talk to Frances face to face, I would tell her, ‘I forgive you.’ I forgive this woman. It might be selfish of me to say that because Bill is no longer here, but at the same token, I know Bill wouldn’t want her and I to be at each other’s throats.”
Bonnie added, “I know who I am. I’m a good person. I never mean no harm on anybody.” She has since moved on with her life and appears to live in San Antonio, Texas. Bonnie has begun several businesses and seems to be doing well for herself. She is the CEO of Body by Biss, a health spa in San Antonio. Apart from that, she founded Malleyas Garden, Rhino Botanicals, and Biss Botanicals.
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