‘Capitani’ is a crime thriller series created by Thierry Faber. The series follows Luc Capitani, a detective tasked with investigating a teenage girl’s death. The restrained mentality of the local populace makes it difficult for Capitani to navigate through his investigation process. He enlists Elsa Ley, a local policewoman, to help him in his task. As the narrative moves further, Capitani and Elsa find themselves caught in a convoluted structure of lies and secrets.
In his quest to find the murderer, Capitani has to confront his own demons from the past as a shocking truth awaits him. The haunting drama precipitates slowly in vivid locations that substantiate its mystery. The locations of ‘Capitani’ caught our notice, and we decided to search into it. If you are on the same page with us, we are here to help you out!
Capitani Filming Locations
The story of ‘Capitani’ is set in a Luxembourg village. So, it makes sense that the European drama was filmed in and around Junglinster, in the Luxembourg canton of Grevenmacher. Here are further details.
Luxembourg, Europe
‘Capitani’ revolves around the murder case, which occurs in the woods enveloping the fictional place of Manscheid in the country’s northern region. The scenes were actually filmed in Junglinster, Luxembourg. The school of Gonderange served as one of the filming locations of ‘Capitani.’ The series was also filmed in the Town Hall of Junglinster and Bourglinster, a small town situated in the commune.
Lycée du Nord, a high school in Wiltz, is featured in one of the scenes. Wiltz is a small commune in the north-western part of Luxembourg. Other picturesque places in Luxembourg where ‘Capitani’ was filmed include Bridel, a town in Kopstal commune, and Steinsel, a commune situated close to Luxembourg City. Some parts of the series were shot at Lintgen, a town situated on the banks of River Alzette. Lintgen is a part of the Mersch Canton of the country.
Samsa Fim and RTL Télé Lëtzebuerg serve as the producers of the series along with the support of Film Fund Luxembourg. Thierry Faber was excited about its production as it is the first dramatic series that is entirely filmed in Luxembourg and the Luxembourgish language. ‘Schacko Klak’ by Paul Kieffer and Fränk Hoffmann is the first feature-length film to be made in Luxembourg. Moreover, in 2019, Felix Koch made ‘Superchamp Returns,’ the first superhero film to be completely made in Luxembourg.
Read More: Best Crime Series on Netflix
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