‘Horror in the High Desert’ is a horror thriller movie directed and written by Dutch Marich. It unfolds as a pseudo-documentary, chronicling the adventures of Gary Hinge, a hiker who loves the thrill of backpacking across isolated places. During one such exploration, Gary encounters a strange phenomenon, and he is never to be found again after the uncanny incident. On the third anniversary of his disappearance, his loved ones narrate the harrowing tale of the lost man.
The movie was well received by the audience and has even spawned a sequel, which is no surprise because the filmmakers of this Indie movie truly utilized all the filming locations to spook and creep out their viewers. If you want to learn more about where the movie was filmed, here’s all you need to know!
Horror in the High Desert Filming Locations
The movie was filmed in the state of Nevada, specifically in the northern region. Nevada is located in the western parts of the United States and has served as a shooting location in several movies. A few well-known sites filmmakers prefer are the Hoover Dam, Reno Arch, and the Bellagio Hotel & Casino. As per reports, the movie was taped at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, around July 2020. They followed strict protocols such as not allowing two characters on the screen simultaneously and conducting the interview scenes for the documentary on Zoom. Many movie sequences are from “found footage,” which is often used in documentaries. Nonetheless, they recorded multiple segments in Nevada, so let’s take an in-detailed look at each one.
Wine Pine County, Nevada
As per reports, the filmmakers lensed most of the horror thriller flick at Wine Pine County, which has rural terrains of mountains with only 10,000 inhabitants. With untouched public land, pristine air, and dark skies, it is undoubtedly a goldmine for hikers and recluses.
They seemingly filmed at Ruth, a census-designated place (CDP) in the county, which was originally a company town near a copper mine called Robinson Mine.
The filmmakers supposedly captured a few scenes at Ely, the largest city in White Pine County, which was previously a stagecoach station. Some tourist attractions of Ely are the Ward Charcoal Ovens State Historical Park, Ely Renaissance Village, and White Pine Public Museum. Two other similar movies shot here are ‘Infernum’ and ‘LIE.’
Gary is hiking in the Great Basin Desert of Nevada in the pseudo-documentary, so the crew was likely shooting in this vast desert. The desert is a part of the Great Basin and stretches across three states, and covers large parts of Nevada, Utah, and California, and it is located between the Sierra Nevada and the Wasatch Range.
The crew reportedly covered the Mojave Desert while filming, which is spread across the southwestern areas of Nevada and covers most parts of California and Arizona. To the west, it is bordered by the Sierra Nevada mountain range along with the California montane chaparral and woodlands. Both deserts, along with Sonoran and Chihuahuan, form the North American Desert.
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