‘1000-lb Best Friends’ revolves around four best friends, Meghan Crumpler, Tina Arnold, Vannessa Cross, and Ashely Sutton, as they battle physical health problems and social stigma surrounding morbid obesity. Cameras follow the friends around as they use humor and hard work to fight their health issues, all the while helping each other through difficult diets and habit changes that are difficult to implement. With fans really interested in the lives of these four best pals, let’s find out where Meghan Crumpler is now, shall we?
Who Is Meghan Crumpler?
Meghan Crumpler takes responsibility for being the one who pushed herself and her friend, Vannessa Cross, to seek help from bariatric surgeon Dr. Charles Procter. When she first visited the doctor’s clinic, she weighed a massive 496 pounds and was quite taken aback at the challenge ahead of her. However, not one to back away from a fight, Meghan took the bull by the horns and decided to fight for a better lifestyle one day at a time.
Armed with a steely determination, Meghan began changing her diet and living habits. Initially, Dr. Proctor had asked her to lose around 20 pounds, but Meghan refused to draw the line at a definite number. Moreover, her then-boyfriend, Jon, was also quite committed to helping Megan become a better version of herself. Meghan’s dedication towards changing herself endeared her to fans, and much to no one’s surprise, she was found to have lost a total of 40 pounds (double of what she was asked) which greenlit her for the weight-loss operation.
Where Is Meghan Crumpler Now?
The weight-loss operation reduced another 160 pounds; thus, with Meghan Crumpler weighing a total of 338 pounds, her incredible transformation was witnessed by all. She even got engaged to Jon, and the couple looked forward to a better life together. Meghan’s successful and still ongoing fight against morbid obesity stands out as a shining example for all after her, and it truly is heart-warming to witness Meghan living the best days of her life at present.
Currently, Meghan resides in Hoschton, Georgia, and is a proud cat mother to her cat Jaxson. She is pretty open at documenting her weight loss journey and has posted pictures of her following a healthy diet and lifestyle, both of which played a massive part in her transformation. Incidentally, Meghan has even begun fighting her other health issues, and reports state that she has stopped the use of her oxygen machine post-surgery.
Being a family person, Meghan is now enjoying life alongside her close ones and makes the best out of her opportunities. Besides, although she and Jon are pretty private about their relationship, it is still blossoming, and they even celebrated New Year 2022 with full zest. Additionally, with the reality TV star being a popular content creator on TikTok and having an upcoming podcast alongside her friend, Tina Arnold, we wish Meghan the very best for her future endeavors.
Read More: Where Is Tina Arnold From 1000-lb Best Friends Now?
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